B'tselem (January 1, 2011)
Report on neighborhoods expropriated in East Jerusalem, specifically providing the date of expropriation, amount of
land taken, size of the neighborhood, number of housing units, and number of residents for each neighborhood.
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Need to Know (2010)
Palestinians in the West Bank are already at work building the institutions and infrastructure for a future
Palestinian state. Martin Seemungal speaks with average Palestinians, PM Salam Fayyad, the Israel Welfare Minister,
and the head of USAID about these efforts and the challenges they face. (11:36) Watch >
Ussama Makdisi | PublicAffairs (2010)
Book Review (Foreign Affairs) | CampusBooks
Elie Podeh / Sharqiyya: Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Fall 2010)
Analysis of the 2002 Arab Peace Plan, including the main considerations and assumptions upon which it is based.
Also discusses Israeli apathy toward the plan and recommended measures for overcoming this sentiment. (PDF)