A Wall in Jerusalem: Obstacles to Human Rights in the Holy City

B'tselem (2006)
Report on the human rights violations and inequalities experienced by Palestinian citizens of Jerusalem as a result of discriminatory Israeli policies. Includes individual testimonials and case studies. PDF >

Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 6 - "An Outpost's Day in Court"

An Outpost's Day in Court: Amona at the Israeli High Court of Justice

Recently there have been news reports about a case before the Israeli High Court of Justice regarding an outpost. What is the story?

On July 3, 2005, Peace Now and Peace Now's Settlement Watch Director Dror Etkes filed a joint petition with the Israeli High Court of Justice (akin to the U.S. Supreme Court) regarding 9 new structures in the illegal West Bank outpost which the settlers call "Amona" (named for a village in the Old Testament).

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Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 5 - "Disengagement - Profiling the Settlements"


"'It was a huge mistake,' said Haim Ramon of the Labor Party's decision in the 1970s to settle the Gaza Strip." (Source: Ha'aretz, Feb. 16, 2005)

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Toward a Final Settlement in Jerusalem: Redefinition rather than Partition

The Institute for National Security Studies (June 2005)
The five major principles used by Israel for determining the boundaries of Jerusalem, as well as the effects of the security barrier, are examined by security expert Shaul Arieli. Also provided are detailed, practical proposals for resolution of the Jerusalem issue in the event of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Read More >

Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 4 - "East Jerusalem Land Grab?"

 According to recent news reports, the Jerusalem Municipality wants to demolish a large number of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. Is this true? Yes. In November 2004, the Jerusalem town planner reportedly sent instructions to the building enforcement department to aggressively enforce building laws in a Palestinian neighborhood on the southern edge of the Old City, called ...


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Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 3 - "The Bush-Abbas Meeting"

Discussions from the Bush-Abbas Meeting, and answers on settlement construction, Israeli Government approval and funding, "natural" growth, outposts, and more...

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Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 2 - "Ariel & the Ariel Bloc"

Ariel & the Ariel Bloc

When was Ariel established?

Ariel was established in 1978.

Where is Ariel and how big is it?

Ariel is located in the heart of the West Bank, running east-west along the top of a 3.1 mile-long ridge (1,805-2,231 feet above sea level). The settlement forms a long, narrow strip along the ridge; the western tip of the settlement (i.e., the part closest to Israel) is about 10 miles from the Green Line, and the eastern edge of the settlement is more than 13 miles from the Green Line. Ariel is located about 25 miles from Tel Aviv, 31 miles from Jerusalem, and about 18 miles from the Jordanian border.

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Settlements in Focus: Vol. 1, Issue 1 - "E-1 & Ma'ale Adumim"

E-1 & Ma'ale Adumim

What is E-1? Is it the same as reported plans to expand Ma'ale Adumim?

E-1 is short for "East 1," the administrative name given to the stretch of land northeast of Jerusalem, to the west of the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim. When people talk about E-1 today, they are referring to a longstanding Israeli plan - never implemented - to build a large new Israeli neighborhood in this area.

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Israel's Next War?

FRONTLINE (April 2005)
Exploration of the origins, political philosophy, and recent actions of militant Jewish radicals who pose a grave threat to Israeli security and regional peace in general. (60:00) Watch >

Summary of the Opinion Concerning Unauthorized Outposts ("The Sasson Report")

Talya Sasson / Government of Israel (March 2005)
Official Israeli government report commissioned by PM Ariel Sharon that concluded that Israeli state bodies discreetly diverted millions of shekels to build West Bank settlements and outposts that are illegal under Israeli law. Read More >