Action Alerts

APN is a leading source of pro-Israel, pro-peace advocacy and activism. Through our Action Network, we mobilize tens of thousands of actions every year in support of peace, with actions targeting the U.S. government, Congress, Jewish organizations, the media, the Israeli embassy, and others. Join us in taking action to fight anti-peace policies and actions, and to urge elected officials to adopt policies that support the two-state solution. Join our Action Network and check this page regularly (actions are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top). Add your voice to the chorus of pro-Israel, pro-peace voices fighting to end the occupation and to secure a two-state solution!

Iran Nuclear Negotiations


Update: this action, now closed, ran from August-September 2015.

You did it! For weeks you and your fellow activists across the country have been telling your elected officials to support the Iran deal – and last week, enough members of the House and Senate stood together to ensure the Iran deal will be implemented. This is an historic achievement of which you should be enormously proud!

These members of Congress stood up for what is right for America and right for Israel by supporting the Iran agreement. Now they need to hear from you once more, to let them know they did the right thing. Click here to thank them.

At the same time, every Republican in Congress and a small number of Democrats opposed the Iran deal. Click here to let them know you think they did the wrong thing – and to put them on notice that further efforts to kill the Iran deal are unacceptable.

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PAST ACTION: Thank Members who Support Iran Deal, Urge Other Members to Do the Same

Iran Nuclear Negotiations


Update: this action, now closed, ran from August-September 2015.

Many Members of Congress have come out in support of the Iran deal already. Many of them are facing a fierce backlash generated by opponents of the deal. These members need to hear from you TODAY. Click here to thank them for supporting the Iran deal.

Many others Members of Congress still have not come out with a position on the deal or have come out in opposition.  They need to hear from you TODAY. Click here to tell them you want them to support the Iran deal.


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Past Action to Support the Iran Deal – 6 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference

Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Update: this action, now closed, ran in August 2015. 

The fight for the Iran deal is not cooling off. Opponents of the deal are doubling down, mobilizing their supporters to inundate members of Congress with anti-deal messages. Now more than ever, all of us who support this deal must redouble our own efforts to make our voices heard. Please take action today!

Action 1: Call Your Representative and Senators

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PAST ACTION - Tell Congress: Support the Iran Deal


Update: this action, now closed, ran in July 2015. 

On July 14, the Obama Administration, its P5+1 partners, and the government of Iran announced the achievement of an historic agreement over Iran’s nuclear program.

This is a good deal. It is grounded not on trust and goodwill but on far-reaching limitations on Iranian activities and intrusive verification mechanisms. Implementation of this agreement –key elements of which will continue in force for decades – will make Israel, the region and the world more secure. When implemented, this agreement will:

  • Roll back Iran’s nuclear program;
  • Limit Iran’s nuclear activities going forward;
  • Prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; and
  • Ensure that any effort by Iran to try to “sneak out” towards developing a nuclear weapon will be far more likely to be detected, and the U.S. and international community will be in a far stronger position to respond.
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Follow-Up Action on Iran Diplomacy Letter: Thanks and Spanks

Schakowsky-Doggett- Price320x265

Update: this action, now closed, ran in May 2015. 

Recently we asked you to call your Representative and urge them to sign a pro-diplomacy letter being circulated by Representatives Schakowsky (D-IL), Doggett (D-TX), and Price (D-NC) among Democrats in the House. Thousands of you responded – and your representatives took notice!

In the end, 151 House Democrats signed this letter to President Obama asking him to stay on course, build on the recently announced political framework and continue to work toward a strong and verifiable agreement between the P5+1 countries and Iran that will prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon.

This would be a huge success for any pro-peace, pro-diplomacy letter. It is an even more significant success today, given the degree to which the debate in Congress has been dominated by voices opposing diplomacy and seeking to undermine or block an agreement. While in no way committing its signers to any specific position with respect to a final deal, nonetheless this letter signals that there may well be sufficient support for a deal in Congress to sustain a presidential veto of diplomacy-killing legislation.

A full list of the letter’s signers (and non-signers) is below (only Democrats; Republicans were not asked to sign). You can check it to see if your representative is on either list.

If they are, we need you to take one more action:

If your member is one of the 151 members of Congress who signed the Schakowsky-Doggett-Price letter, click here to thank them for doing the right thing.

If your member is one of the 47 Democrats who did NOT sign the Schakowsky-Doggett-Price letter, click here to send them a message letting them know that you, as a constituent, are frustrated and disappointed in them.

Please act now. Opponents of diplomacy and an achievable Iran nuclear agreement are not giving up. They have for more than two years been working to kill talks and undermine an agreement; their efforts will only intensify as the June 30 deadline for talks approaches. Members of Congress need to know that their constituents, Americans who care both about U.S. interests and Israel, support diplomacy and an agreement - and want them to do the same.


Lara Friedman
Director of Policy and Government Relations
Americans for Peace Now

P.S. Few would have predicted that the Schakowsky-Doggett-Price letter would attract so many signers. The fact that it did so is in large part a testament to the energetic grassroots activism mobilized in support of the letter. Indeed, the success of the Schakowsky-Doggett-Price letter demonstrates how important it is that members of Congress hear from you – now and in the future. Never doubt for a minute that your opinion matters to your elected officials, whether with respect to Iran, or Israel-Palestine, or any other issue.

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PAST ACTION: Tell your Representative to sign letter supporting Iran diplomacy

Update: this action, now closed, ran in April 2015. 

This week, a key Senate committee passed S. 615 – with bipartisan support and the approval of the White House – giving Congress enhanced oversight over any nuclear deal with Iran. That bill is expected to pass quickly into law.

It is urgent that you act TODAY.

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PAST ACTION - Tell Your Senators: Reject Anti-Diplomacy Iran Bills

Update: this action, now closed, ran in April 2015. 

  • On April 2, the Obama Administration and its P5+1 partners announced an historic framework agreement with Iran, aimed at preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
  • Since then, opponents of Iran diplomacy and a deal – both in the United States and Israel – have doubled down on efforts to use Congress to scuttle diplomacy and undermine the possibility of getting to, and implementing, a final agreement with Iran.
  • Senators are being pressured to support S. 615 – and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is set to pass this bill on April 14.  In its current form, the bill includes a number of poison pill provisions that will undermine diplomacy and likely kill a deal.  These include provisions to delay implementation of a deal, legislate a congressional veto of a deal, strip the president of existing waiver authorities, and impose conditions for U.S. adherence to a deal that are unrelated to Iran’s nuclear program.
  • Senators are also being urged to support S. 269, which seeks to legislate new Iran sanctions that would be triggered if no deal with Iran is reached.
  • Both bills are entirely unnecessary.  Passage of either bill risks undermining the ongoing diplomacy with the P5+1 and killing a deal – leaving the U.S. isolated and bringing the U.S. closer to the point where it will be forced to choose between a nuclear-armed Iran and another Middle East war.

Tell your Senators: Give diplomacy every possible chance to work – Reject S. 269 & S. 615

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PAST ACTION - Tell President Obama: Stand Up for Peace, Stand Up to Bibi

obama-and-bibi-482x252Update: this action, now closed, ran in March 2015. 

The recent Israeli elections definitively unmasked the real Benjamin Netanyahu.

  • Netanyahu cynically campaigned as an adversary of President Obama
  • Netanyahu brazenly ruled out a two-state peace agreement with the Palestinians
  • Netanyahu flagrantly incited racism and intolerance in the Israeli body politic
  • Netanyahu shamelessly stoked divisions within the American Jewish community
  • Netanyahu recklessly turned Israel into a partisan issue in Congress


Tell President Obama:  Stand up to Netanyahu.

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PAST ACTION -Tell Your Senators: Oppose AIPAC-backed Iran Bills

Update: this action, now closed, ran in March 2015. 

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed  a joint session of Congress. His goal? To scuttle the ongoing diplomacy that seeks to achieve a diplomatic agreement and verifiably curb Iran's nuclear program. After his speech, AIPAC conference-goers are flooding the Hill, meeting with Members of Congress and staff, with the goal of amplifying Netanyahu’s arguments.

Tell your Senators: Reject AIPAC-backed bills that risk aborting Iran diplomacy.

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Action Alert - Sign the petition: Don’t Let Netanyahu & Friends Abort an Iran Deal


In recent weeks, attention has focused on the outrage surrounding Netanyahu’s March 3rd speech to Congress, and House Speaker Boehner's invitation to Netanyahu. After Netanyahu's speech, focus must revert to the real issues: Iran negotiations, deal or no deal, war or peace. Prime Minister Netanyahu has made clear that any viable, reasonable deal – a deal that both Iran could accept and one that meets the red lines of the P5+1 negotiators – would never reach his standard. With the deadline for a framework agreement with Iran approaching (March 23rd) and with AIPAC getting into gear, pressure is mounting on members of Congress to proceed with new legislation – sanctions and other initiatives – that could kill a deal before it is reached or render any deal dead on arrival.



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