Update: this action, now closed, ran from August 24-August 28, 2020.
Prime Minister Netanyahu's plans for annexing the West Bank have been put on hold. Maybe. But his efforts to
undermine a two-state solution continue unabated. His government is currently advancing plans for a new settlement
project in the territory known as E-1.
E-1 is a narrow piece of land between East Jerusalem and the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim. The
international community has long viewed settlement construction in E-1 as a redline, as it would undercut the
viability of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and prevent the creation of a contiguous Palestinian state.
This Friday, August 28 is the deadline for submitting objections to the construction plan. Right now,
thousands of Israelis, led by our partners at Peace Now - together with Ir Amim, and the Association of
Environmental Justice in Israel (AEJI) - are mounting a
major opposition campaign.
Stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel by adding your name to block this plan and preserve prospects for a just and
viable solution to this conflict. Together with our colleagues from the Progressive Israel Network, we will be
submitting this petition to Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who has the authority to block this plan
from moving forward.