APN Briefing Call with Peace Now's Hagit Ofran - Thursday, August 6

Listen to the August 6th Briefing Call with:


Hagit Ofran
Peace Now Settlement Watch Director

Hagit discussed the latest developments in regard to Israeli settler extremists, settlements in the West Bank and Israeli government settlement construction policy, as well as Peace Now’s recent rally against Jewish terrorism and incitement, other recent successful Peace Now activities.

Listing to a recording: Hagit Ofran briefing 6 Aug 2015

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Israel Now Conference, July 24th in Tel Aviv

Our annual conference will take place on July 24th 2015 in Tel Aviv. 
To register and see the conference's full schedule, click here. Notice: the conference will take place in Hebrew.


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Briefing call Wednesday, July 1, noon (EST), on the power of Israeli settlers

Ami Pedahzur

Please join APN for a briefing call on Wednesday, July 1, at 12:00 noon Eastern Time with Prof. Ami Pedahzur, an expert on Israel’s radical right. The author of recent articles on the power of Israeli West Bank settlers, Pedahzur will discuss the political power of the settlers as a chief constituency of Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government. He will also analyze other ways in which the ideological settlers built their influence inside Israel’s establishment.

An expert on Israeli right-wing violence, Pedahzur will be available to comment on extremist West Bank settlers’ use of violence to advance their agenda.

Listen to the call here

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APN's Lara Friedman at FMEP Event, 6/23 - Israel and Palestine: Getting to Two States

Israeli_and_Palestinian_FlagsWhen: Tuesday, June 23
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Where: Room 2168 (Gold Room)
Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC


Since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected after walking back his support for a Palestinian state, the viability of the two-state solution has yet again been called into question. As the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza nears its fiftieth year, there is a complete lack of trust between the Palestinian and Israeli leadership. The goal of "two states for two peoples" has never seemed more distant, despite decades of U.S. support.
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Briefing call Wednesday, June 3: Tom Segev on the Six Day War anniversary

Segev, Tom275x413On the 48th anniversary of the Six Day War, please join APN for a briefing call with journalist and historian Tom Segev, the author of 1967 – Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East. Segev will talk about his research concerning the war and its aftermath, and will discuss its lingering impact on Israel, almost half a century later.

Tom Segev is an Israeli journalist and historian, the award-winning author of seven books, and a longtime columnist with Israel’s leading newspaper, Haaretz. His comprehensive study of the circumstances that preceded the 1967 war and the reality that it had created was praised by reviewers and scholars worldwide.

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suskin250x321-handsRabbi Suskin spoke about the prospects for peace following the installation of Israel's new government, the work of Peace Now in Israel and what the challenges are at this time, and what, as American Jews, our role can be in helping Israel achieve peace and security with her neighbors.

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Ori Nir at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University, Thursday, June 4, 10am

Ori-for-Black_friday-2014Overcoming the Obstacles to a Two-State Solution

Ori Nir will be speaking at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at American University, on Thursday, June 4, 10am

Although the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is today a matter of consensus worldwide, it seems increasingly difficult to attain. What are the main obstacles for achieving it, and how can they be overcome?

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Join APN's Ori Nir and Walid Issa - Israeli and Palestinian voices dedicated to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The event, hosted by J Street U Northwestern, is part of APN's "Peace Partners" series.

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Briefing call Thursday, May 14, 2:00 PM EST with Galia Golan on Israel’s new government


Galia Golan, a co-founder of Israel’s Peace Now movement, is professor of government and chair of the Program on Diplomacy and Conflict Studies at the School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, and professor emeritus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

An expert on Israel’s international relations, Golan will comment on Israel’s future relations regionally and globally under Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, which will be sworn in this Wednesday.

To listen to the call click here

To receive a link of the recording, please email Katherine Cunningham at kcunningham@peacenow.org. APN will send you a link to the recording of the call as soon as it is available

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Join us for the Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade, May 31st

Progressive Coalition at the Celebrate Israel Parade

Sunday, May 31, Time TBD
New York City
5th Avenue, between 53rd and 54th Streets


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