News from Peace Now's (Israel) Settlement Watch:
Advancement of Plans for Housing Units in the Settlements up by 250% in the First Quarter of 2016 Compared with the Same Period Last Year
While the government's declared policy in the settlements is that of a "planning freeze," during January-March 2016
plans for 674 housing units in the settlements were advanced (all over the West Bank and particularly in isolated
settlements), as opposed to 194 housing units in the same period last year.
During 2015, plans for 1,665 new housing units were promoted (1,044 of them were retroactively legalized after
having been built illegally and without a plan). This number constitutes a substantial decrease from 2014, during
which 8,606 new housing units had been promoted (801 of which retroactively legalized). The figures of the first
quarter of 2016 illustrate an upturn in the approval of plans, and sharply increase the total number of units
promoted by the current Netanyahu government. Additionally, as illustrated by the numbers above, while the
government states that it currently approves plans for already existing construction only, in reality in 2016 only
26% of the plans advanced constituted retroactive legalizations (compared with 63% in 2015).