"It's time to pick yourself up and you fight for what you
believe in, and stay true to the kind of world you want to live in - not just
during a campaign, but every day. That's something we on the Israeli left
learned long ago."
Mairav Zonszein, Israeli writer, in +972: We
feel you, America — it's lonely at the bottom.
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and
positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent
APN's views and policy positions.
November 7, 2016 - Netanyahu’s urgent concerns
Q. What is the Netanyahu government’s most immediate preoccupation
regarding the outcome of the US presidential election (bearing in mind that many
readers will see this after the election is decided)?
A. ...Netanyahu’s primary concern with the outgoing
Obama administration has to be its approach to the Palestinian issue between now
and January 20, 2017...
Q. Doesn’t a lot depend on who wins, Trump or Clinton?
A. ...in a Trump presidency Obama could easily opt
for the more far-reaching and long-lasting option of delivering his ideas for the
parameters of a solution by means of a United Nations Security Council
Q. And if Clinton wins?
A. ...Obama will almost certainly feel bound to
consult with her...
Q. You’re assuming Obama really intends to launch a last-minute policy
A. ...it is entirely possible that the threat of such
an initiative on Obama’s part is mainly bluff...
Q. Turning to domestic Israeli issues, there seem to be a lot of heavy
controversies on the Netanyahu government’s near-term agenda. Can you
A. ...strains and internal contradictions in this
coalition are showing....
Q. Start with the High Court?
A. Within months, four High Court justices will be
Q. The media issue?
A. Some time ago Netanyahu... engineered a move to
dismantle the sovereign Israel Broadcasting Authority...
Q. Lastly, religious pluralism?
A. Last January, Netanyahu yielded to a concerted
campaign by non-Orthodox Jews, backed by the US-based Reform and Conservative
movements, and agreed to set aside an area of the Western Wall, south of the
Orthodox prayer areas, for men and women to pray together and woman rabbis to lead
Peace Now at
the Tel Aviv rally marking the 21st anniversary of Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin's assassination
Top left: Peace Now Director Avi Buskila; Top right: young supporters of Peace Now
On Saturday, November 5th in Tel Aviv, Peace Now joined tens of thousands of
Israelis in a rally marking the 21st anniversary of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's
Go HERE for more pictures.
Eagle: "To Honor Rabin, Condemn the Occupation and Support the Two-State
by Naomi Tamura, APN Intern
...We have a choice: Rabin’s 21st yahrtzeit can be just another year of rhetorical
support and empty promises, or it can be the start of a united and honest effort
toward working together for peace.
Stay informed
on the impact of the US Presidential Election on Israel
Today's News Nosh included the item that Netanyahu congratulated Donald Trump by
phone, and it will continue to cover all the relevant reactions and analysis from
Israel on the outgoing and incoming US Administrations.
Go HERE to read and subscribe to APN's
daily email news review from Israel
of Israeli-Palestinian peace to US national security
With a new US President elected, it is worthwhile to remember
that US leadership in Middle East peace efforts has global implications.
Go HERE for the item in APN's They
Say, We Say publication on why the US should care about Israeli-Palestinian