Thought that Israel's new "Entry Law" was bad? Well, it's worse!

Israel’s new Entry Law is actually much worse than we originally thought.

It turns out that its final language is even more draconian than the text published in the media when the law was adopted. The new language uses a much broader definition of who would be subject to denial of entry into Israel. It seems that right before it was brought to a final vote someone changed the language of the bill to include anyone who acts “for the sake of” an organization that calls for boycotts (rather than people who “represent” such organizations).  

To become a law, a Knesset bill has to go through four votes (or “readings”): preliminary, first, second and third. Typically, second and third are condensed into one vote. In its preliminary and first readings, the bill stated: “Any person who is not a citizen of Israel or holds a certification for permanent residency in the state of Israel shall not be given a residing certification or permit of any kind, if he, or the organization or agency that he represents (she-hu-netzigam), has knowingly published a public call to boycott the State of Israel, as defined in the Law to Prevent Harming the State of Israel through Boycott of 2011, or if he has committed to take part in such a boycott, as stated.”

After passing second and third reading, and becoming a law, it turned out that the text was changed to: “…or the organization or agency for the sake of which he acts (she-hu po’el avuram), has knowingly published…”

So in between the first and second/third reading, the sponsors broadened the scope of the bill to include anyone who acts for the benefit of such an organization.

This definition, on the face of it, could apply to financial assistance for such an organization, signing a petition sponsored by an organization, etc.

For more on the law, see here.