APN In the News: August 10- August 17

Video clips of APN's Debra Shushan from Israel i24 News "The Spin Room" (8/15/18)

Shushan speaks passionately about the questioning and detaining of Peter Beinart, Reza Aslan, and others on political grounds at Israeli ports of entry.

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Times of Israel: "Parshat Shoftim: A Political Imperative for Liberal Jews" by Elana Kravitz, APN Intern (8/15/18)

Elul, the Jewish month leading up to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, is a time of reflection, soul-searching, and repentance... Jews in the US and in Israel have a lot to contemplate.

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Jerusalem Post: "Jerusalem Heritage House's list of 'haters of Israel' includes Jon Stewart, Bette Midler, Natalie Portman, Bernie Sanders and more" (8/14/18)

The list also includes "Peace Now staff and supporters."

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