i24 Spin Room (9/12/18): Shushan on Deteriorating US-Palestinian Relations, the Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, and the Gaza Crisis

Debating with Ruthie Blum of the Gatestone Institute and Fatah international spokesperson Ziad Khalil Abu Zayyad, APN's Debra Shushan discusses the Trump administration's closure of the PLO Mission in DC, the Palestinian turn toward the International Criminal Court, the pending demolition of the West Bank Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, and the IDF's grim projection for conflict between Israel and Gaza.


Trump Administration Arsonists Set Fire to Peace Prospects (1:01)


White House's Policy Is Pushing Palestinians to Turn to ICC (1:10)


Khan al-Ahmar and Israel's Duplicitous West Bank Building Policy (1:28)


Impending Demolition of Khan al-Ahmar: Full Segment  (8:14)


Israel's Failed Gaza Strategy (3:58)