Statement: APN Welcomes Biden Reversal of Trump Policy on US Cooperation with Settlements 


Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the announcement made by the Biden administration concerning the issuance of guidance aimed at restricting scientific and technological cooperation with Israeli institutions beyond the Green Line. This significant step represents a crucial reversal of one of the detrimental policies inherited from the Trump administration concerning Israel and Palestine.

West Bank settlements are not Israel. Consequently, prior to the Trump administration, successive US administrations, regardless of political affiliation, have viewed these settlements as a significant impediment to peace and refused to legitimize them. By issuing this guidance, the Biden administration reaffirms the unwavering commitment of the United States to this long-standing position. We are gratified by the administration's proactive measure, yet we believe that additional steps are necessary. The unresolved matter of the Trump Administration's labeling guidance for settlement products as 'made in Israel' remains a pressing concern.

Given recent incidents involving settler violence and settlement announcements, it is imperative for the United States to employ all available means to clearly convey its unambiguous disapproval of Israel's actions in the occupied territories.

Hadar Susskind, President and CEO of Americans for Peace Now, said: "We have consistently urged the Biden administration to rectify numerous damaging policies inherited from the Trump administration regarding Israel and Palestine. We are pleased that the administration has taken this important step; however, further action is still required. The unresolved issue of labeling settlement products as 'made in Israel' needs to be addressed. We urge the Biden administration to overturn the Trump-era State Department guidance that allows products manufactured in West Bank settlements to be labeled 'Made in Israel'.”