Think Before You Post: Media Literacy and Fact Checking

Before hitting “post,” “share,” or “retweet,” take a moment to consider:

  • Is this source reputable?
  • Sites designed to spread disinformation often try to mimic legitimate news sources. Check the name, URL, logo, etc to verify.
  • Is this information substantiated by multiple sources or reliable data?

Education and accuracy are vital to our mission at APN, and part of raising awareness of the realities on the ground in Israel and Palestine. 

Over the last few weeks– particularly since the events of October 7th– we’ve seen an influx of misinformation on our social media feeds. We like the following sources to check the validity of what you’re reading, sharing, and reposting. 

  • Media Literacy & Critical Thinking Online”, from the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, teaches basic media literacy and offers a guide to key indicators that a post might be misleading or outright false. 
  • MediaWise or Politifact, from the Poyntner Institute– MediaWise offers several videos, courses and other resources to help separate fact from fiction online. Politifact focuses on politicians’ online output and allows users to search and independently verify information posted on political sites.
  • FactCheck is a verification tool affiliated with the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.