Statement on Compliance Certification Report for Israel

May 14, 2024- Americans for Peace Now disagrees with the Biden administration’s May 10 report to Congress on Israel’s compliance with international and American law in its conduct of the Gaza war. Although the Administration admits that Israel’s use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international humanitarian law, it hedged its recommendations with the less-than-credible observation that wartime conditions prevented U.S. officials from determining specific instances.

As we watch with horror Israeli vigilantes destroying desperately-needed aid on its way to Gaza, we also remind the Administration that Israeli government has consistently impeded the delivery of aid for many months, that it closed the only aid routes into Gaza last week to facilitate the Rafah incursion, and that the leaders of international aid organizations now state that at least some of Gaza is officially in a state of famine. Continuing to send offensive weapons to Israel violates both existing law and President Biden’s National Security Memorandum (NSM-20), which requires that all countries receiving US security assistance comply with US and international humanitarian law before receiving US assistance.

APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind said: “The State Department report is denying the clear and unambiguous evidence that Israel is not in compliance. If the US could rely on evidence to sanction Russia for war crimes one month into its attack on Ukraine, we can certainly rely on our much more detailed knowledge of IDF attacks and denial of aid.”

“As an Israeli citizen and an IDF veteran, I care deeply for Israel’s security and appreciate that the US will continue to supply Iron Dome and other defensive measures. But on this very somber Israel Independence Day, it’s particularly important for Israel’s most important ally to use its influence for real peace and security. I urge President Biden to abide by his own National Security Memorandum and his long standing commitment to human rights and to cease sending offensive weapons that are being used in opposition to US law.”