Statement on ICC Warrant Request for Israeli and Hamas Leaders

May 20, 2024- This is a sad day for Israel and those who care about it. Sad, because while it is true that Hamas and the government of Israel are not equivalent, and it is true that Netanyahu and Sinwar are not equivalent, it is also true that the ICC warrant request for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant are a direct result of the calamitous policies of this Israeli government.

For the first time in Israel’s history, its leaders may be subject to arrest in the 124 nations which are ICC signatories. This shameful situation is the result of the Israeli government’s willful disregard of international law, including the denial of aid to a starving population.

Hamas leaders must be held accountable for the horrific events of October 7 and their other war crimes. But as we have been saying for months and months, one set of war crimes does not justify or excuse another. 

APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind said, “The issuing of these warrants isn’t about antisemitism or moral equivalencies, it’s about a failure of leadership. That is what the Israeli government needs to address. That is what the people of Israel need to address. This war needs to be brought to an end. The lives of the hostages must be prioritized, not marginalized, and aid must be allowed into Gaza in levels sufficient to address the ongoing famine. I am saddened by these warrants, but not as much as I am saddened by the brutal reality that led to them being issued.”