Webinar: UNRWA’s Continued Challenges– with Bill Deere (October 2, 2024)

Wednesday, October 2, 20204, at 1:00pm Eastern Time.

In the months following the horrific attacks on October 7, troubling allegations about the involvement of a handful of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) employees came to light. UNRWA and the UN responded swiftly to the accusations by immediately terminating the employees allegedly involved, ordering an independent outside review of the Agency’s neutrality practices, and directing a review of the allegations by the UN’s highest investigative body, the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS). At that time, some donor states, including the United States, froze their contributions to UNRWA. The US was one of 16 nations to impose such a ban. Recently, the Biden Administration indicated a desire to resume funding, something which the other 15 donor nations have already done. And yet, the Congressionally mandated ban remains in place. UNRWA is the primary aid organization in Gaza, and its work there is crucial. Without immediate restoration of funds, the situation will worsen, exacerbating tensions and further destabilizing the region.

To discuss all of these challenges– from hostilities hindering the delivery of aid to southern Gaza to the steps that must be taken for the US government to restore funding– we’re speaking with William (Bill) Deere, the director of UNRWA’s Washington Representative Office. This webinar, hosted by our Director of Government Relations Madeleine Cereghino, will take place on Wednesday, October 2, 20204, at 1:00pm Eastern Time.

Register HERE.

NOTE: We have an action alert about UNRWA currently circulating. To learn more and get in touch with your Member of Congress, click HERE.

All of our webinars are recorded. If you can't make it, you will be able to access the recording via our YouTube channel within 1-3 business days of the event.