Badge of Honor

DonateOut of respect for your inbox overload, we typically don’t share our press releases with you. But this one we just had to send to you. This one is about an attack on our colleagues at Israel’s Peace Now movement, an attack by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

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Bibi's gift – and ours

Mark RosenblumThe Israeli government’s gift to Washington this holiday season was the gift of occupation. Literally so. You may have missed the story because of the holiday, but shortly before Christmas, Benjamin Netanyahu’s ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, proudly announced that this year, instead of sending products made in Israel to American friends, he is breaking with tradition and sending gift boxes  containing products made exclusively in settlements in the occupied territories.

Allegedly, this was intended as a message to those who call for punitive economic measures against Israel (ironically, it plays into their hands), but it clearly was aimed at the Obama administration’s rejection of Netanyahu’s settlement policies. Another Netanyahu finger in the eye of an American administration that had the audacity to attempt to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

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