Update: this action, now closed, ran in April 2015.
This week, a key Senate committee passed S. 615 – with bipartisan support and the approval of the White House – giving Congress enhanced oversight over any nuclear deal with Iran. That bill is expected to pass quickly into law.
It is urgent that you act TODAY.
Now, it is more critical than ever that members of Congress – those who are not actually seeking to undermine Iran talks and kill a deal – make clear that supporting oversight is not about blocking a deal, but rather goes hand-in-hand with supporting diplomacy and a deal that achieves the goal of rolling back Iran’s nuclear program and preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, including with appropriate sanctions relief.
Call your Representative. Urge them to sign the pro-diplomacy letter (text below) being circulated by Representatives Schakowsky (D-IL), Doggett (D-TX), and Price (D-NC).
You can reach your Representative toll free via the Capitol switchboard, at (877) 429-0678 (to confirm who your Representative is, click here). Ask the switchboard operator to put you through to your Representative, and then tell the person who takes your call:
- I am a constituent who cares about Israel.
- I strongly support the President’s efforts to negotiate a diplomatic solution that will roll back Iran’s nuclear program and prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
- I urge Congressman/Congresswoman [xxxxx] to join me in supporting diplomacy for a deal that achieves this by signing the pro-diplomacy letter now being circulated by Representatives Schakowsky (D-IL), Doggett (D-TX), and Price (D-NC).
- To do so, they should contact Andrew Goczkowski with Rep. Schakowsky at Andrew.Goczkowski@mail.house.gov or 5-2111.
Once you have called, please click here to let us know and to tell a friend.
April 17, 2015
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
As negotiations over Iran's nuclear program continue, we urge you to stay on course, building on the recently announced political framework and continuing to work toward a strong and verifiable agreement between the P5+1 countries and Iran that will prevent Iran from having a nuclear weapon. We commend you and your negotiating team, as well as our coalition partners, for the significant progress made thus far.
This issue is above politics. The stakes are too great, and the alternatives are too dire. We must exhaust every avenue toward a verifiable, enforceable, diplomatic solution in order to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran. If the United States were to abandon negotiations or cause their collapse, not only would we fail to peacefully prevent a nuclear-armed Iran, we would make that outcome more likely. The multilateral sanctions regime that brought Iran to the table would likely collapse, and the Iranian regime would likely decide to accelerate its nuclear program, unrestricted and unmonitored. Such developments could lead us to war.
War itself will not make us safe. A U.S. or Israeli military strike may set back Iranian nuclear development by two or three years at best - a significantly shorter timespan than that covered by a P5+1 negotiated agreement. We must pursue diplomatic means to their fullest and allow the negotiations to run their course – especially now that the parties have announced a strong framework – and continue working to craft a robust and verifiable Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action by June 30.
We must allow our negotiating team the space and time necessary to build on the progress made in the political framework and turn it into a long-term, verifiable agreement. If we do not succeed, Congress will remain at-the-ready to act and present you with additional options to ensure that Iran is prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
Thank you for your resolve in preventing a nuclear-armed Iran. We look forward to continuing our shared work on this important matter.