Just in time for Chanukah - A terrific book and a terrific offer!

For a donation of $108 or more, APN will send you "City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement", by Dr. Sara Hirschhorn, who has written a Chanukah message for APN below.

Please note that all but $30 of your donation will be tax deductible and please be sure to put “Hilltop” in the comment field. We can send it to you or to the Chanukah-gift recipient of your choice, which you should also indicate in the comment field.

This Chanukah, it may seem to many of Americans for Peace Now’s supporters that the light of peace has snuffed out in the region. Will all the stakeholders somehow be able to burn the midnight oil to achieve a peace deal? Can the beacons of liberalism, democracy, and justice outshine forces of illiberalism, racism, and despair in Israel/Palestine? It seems like we may truly need a miracle to save the two state-solution this year.

On the 50th anniversary of the 1967 War.

Many of us have watched with consternation as the current U.S. administration (with a new cast of characters in the White House that have long been associated with the right-wing) has changed enduring policies regarding the status of Jerusalem and possibly the settlements question. Yet, the story of American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement is one far deeper than a small circle advising the sitting president over the past few months. Iit is the saga of over 60,000 American Jews who chose to leave comfortable lives in the United States to settle at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict and make history over the past half-century. This Chanukah, we need to listen to scholars and policy-makers who can shed new light on these pressing issues for Israelis and Palestinians.



Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn is the University Research Lecturer in Israel Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Sidney Brichto Fellow, at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford

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Resist the policies of Netanyahu and Trump

It took Donald Trump less than a year. Now – after setting ablaze every sensitive issue in American public life and after alienating some of our closest international allies – he has tossed a firebomb into Jerusalem, the most combustible place on earth.

For those who had illusions about his ability to strike what he calls "the ultimate deal," Trump’s unilateral, reckless and diplomatically useless recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital serves as a bitter reality check.

Since Trump’s announcement last week, I’ve heard many doomsday expressions. The hyperbole, as well as the cycle of disappointment, violence and bloodshed make it easy to succumb to "hope fatigue."

Please read the following letter I’ve written for Americans for Peace Now about the remedy for such fatigue - it is being mailed now to tens of thousands of American households - and please consider including APN in your end-of-year giving.

If APN represents your voice, as it does mine, please consider joining me in making a generous year-end donation.

In peace,

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers (12.11.17) - In the aftermath of Trump’s Jerusalem declaration


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses Arab and Muslim reactions to President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem; some interesting responses from independent-minded Israelis and others; what everyone is fighting over and what "Alpher's Jerusalem"looks like; what it might look like if the Palestinian chief negotiator declared, “the two-state solution is over” and Palestinians begin to seek Israeli citizenship in a one-state solution.

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On December 7th, 2017, APN hosted former US consul General in Jerusalem, Jacob (Jake) Walles. Ambassador Walles spoke about the repercussions of President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and his decision to start preparations for transferring America’s Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  

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Join APN for a briefing call on Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and its repercussions with Ambassador Jacob (Jake) Walles, Former US Consul General to Jerusalem.

Listen here

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Trump's Jerusalem Move Sabotages Prospects for Peace, Endangers Lives, Degrades US Leadership

Donald Trump today sabotaged decades of American efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By announcing his disastrous new policy on Jerusalem, he is causing severe damage to the prospects of Middle East peace, imperiling lives, and degrading US leadership.

Defying the counsel of America's top diplomats and security experts, as well as the urging of US regional and international allies, Trump decided to put politics before policy, to cater to domestic extremists in his political base, and to toss a match into the most combustible place on earth: the holy city of Jerusalem. Trump's irresponsible action has further eroded American prestige and influence in the international arena.

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US Public Opinion on Embassy Move: Polling Graphic

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7 Things You Should Know: Trump’s Decision on Jerusalem

Americans for Peace Now strongly opposes any move by the Trump Administration to alter longstanding US policy on Jerusalem outside the context of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. Here is what you need to know:

  • 1. President Trump made a landmark announcement on Jerusalem on December 6th.

President Trump did two things in his speech: he reversed 70 years of American policy by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and he announced plans to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  

  • 2. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, without any acknowledgment of Palestinian claims to Jerusalem, is the root of the problem.

Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. But the timing of international, and particularly American, recognition of this matters – as do the particular borders of Jerusalem that are recognized. The reason is that Palestinians also have legitimate claims to Jerusalem as the capital of their eventual state and any realistic peace plan includes at least some portion of East Jerusalem as that capital.

Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, in the absence of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, recognizes Israeli claims to Jerusalem while giving the Palestinians nothing. And timing matters. Trump’s impending announcement is occurring as Congress prepares to cut, through the Taylor Force Act, aid that would benefit the Palestinian Authority, and following Trump’s near-decision to close the PLO mission to Washington. (Since Trump's announcement, PA President Mahmoud Abbas recalled Palestinian diplomats in protest.) Adding to that, US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and/or relocation of the US embassy creates a “triple whammy” against the Palestinians. It will severely damage American credibility as an honest broker of peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and in foreign policy more broadly. So much for President Trump’s avowed desire to make the “ultimate deal.”

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Jerusalem: Trump's Move

The world holds its breath as President Trump prepares to unveil his administration's new policy on Jerusalem. Will he move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Will the US recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital? What are the implications for Israelis and Palestinians and the prospects for peace?


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Hard Questions, Tough Answers (12.4.17) - Fighting the last war, fighting the next war


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses whether Trump will announce his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and whether this would spark the next intifada; the settlements issue as part of the Trump-Russia investigation; the 70th anniversary of the United Nations decision to partition Palestine and the Palestinians' and Arab countries' rejection of it in 1947; and whether the Netanyahu government should and could have intervened in Syria in 2012, toppled the Assad regime and installed the secular opposition in power.

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