Statement on Deadline for Compliance Certification for Israel

May 7, 2024- Before tomorrow’s deadline for the State Department to report to Congress regarding Israel’s compliance with US and international humanitarian law, we at Americans for Peace Now remind the Biden Administration and Congress that continuing to send offensive weapons to Israel very likely violates both existing law and President Biden’s National Security Memorandum (NSM-20). That memorandum requires that all countries receiving US security assistance comply with US and international humanitarian law before receiving US assistance. For months now, elected representatives, intergovernmental bodies, international courts, Israeli and global human rights observers, and members of the Biden Administration themselves have persistently expressed grave concerns regarding the actions of the Netanyahu government.

World Food Programme Executive Director Cindy McCain said this week that she believes there is currently a “full-blown famine” in northern Gaza, a situation that is a direct result of Israel’s policy of restricting aid. Although the Netanyahu government has promised more access to aid, conditions on the ground are worsening, and will grow even more dire as Israel proceeds with its invasion of Rafah. The assurances provided by the Netanyahu government have never been less credible.

APN President and CEO Hadar Susskind said: “Despite all the visual, eyewitness, credible evidence to the contrary, in March the State Department claimed Israel was complying with international law and allowing humanitarian aid to Gaza to enter unimpeded. With crossings to Gaza now again closed to facilitate the opening of a new front in Rafah, it certainly doesn’t look that way. Despite the promises that Prime Minister Netanyahu made to President Biden in English, in Hebrew he announced an invasion. The State Department should acknowledge the reality of the situation and ensure that American military aid is being used, and only being used, in compliance with our policies and values.”