Advancing the Dialogue: A Security System for the Two-State Solution

Ilan Goldberg, Maj. Gen. (Res.) Gadi Shamni, Nimrod Novik, and Col. Kris Baumen / Center for a New American Security (May 2016)
This report proposes a security system to address both Israeli security concerns and Palestinian concerns of continuous occupation. PDF >
UNRWA: Statistics

UNRWA (2014)
Up-to-date numbers of Palestinian refugees supported by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), including statistics for individual fields of operation. PDF >| For background on UNRWA, see: UNRWA (Reut Institute) >
Middle East Military Balance

Jewish Virtual Library (2013)
Statistical breakdown of the armed forces for each country in the Middle East. Includes troop totals as well as military vehicles, ships, and aircraft. Read More >
UNRWA: Where UNRWA Works

UNRWA (2013)
Interactive map of locations in Gaza, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and the West Bank where UNRWA provides assistance, protection and advocacy for Palestinian refugees. Includes updated information and background on each refugee camp. Read More >
East Jerusalem - By the Numbers
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (May 7, 2013)
Facts and figures on the life of Palestinians in Jerusalem, detailing the effects that Israeli policies have on their basic rights. Read More >
Spatial Shaping: Unilaterally Determining Israel's Base-Line Border

Terrestrial Jerusalem (2013)
Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann outlines how the Israeli government has been using settlement construction to integrate parts of East Jerusalem into Israel while detaching them from the Palestinian population PDF >
Palestinian & Jews from Arab Countries in U.S. Legislation: 101st‐112th Congresses

Americans for Peace Now (2012)
Comprehensive list of US legislation, from 1998 to 2012, pertaining to Palestinian and Jewish Mizrahi refugees, including relevant quotes from individual bills. PDF >
Implementing a Negotiated Settlement on the Palestinian Refugee Question: The International Dimensions

Chatham House (2012)
Outlines possible international contributions (and implications) to implementing a comprehensive solution to the refugee question based on wide consultations and reflection on existing technical preparatory activities. Read More >
Palestinian Refugees: Different Generations, but One Identity

The Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies (2012)
Diverse and concise booklet on Palestinian refugees' lives, projected futures, and the contemporary methodologies applied to refugee study. Includes chapters on intergenerational differences in refugees' experiences, identity, and psychological and spatial dimensions of refugee life (PDF).
Is Peace Possible? - Borders

S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace (2011)
"Borders" chapter of a comprehensive graphic report narrated by Abraham Center president and former Congressman Robert Wexler. Examines the issue of land swaps and how they can address the territorial demands of both Israelis and Palestinians. See More >
U.S. (non)-Recognition of Sovereignty in Jerusalem: A Consistent Policy, pre-1948 - Present
Americans for Peace Now (2011)
APN's Lara Friedman provides an outline of the history of US policy regarding the status of Jerusalem. Includes dates, statements, and descriptions of relevant actions by US government bodies and officials. Read More >
Indefensible: Misrepresenting the borders issue to undermine Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Americans for Peace Now (2011)
APN's honest assessment of the "defensibility" of borders based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed upon land swaps. PDF >
An Uncertain Road: Testing the Durability of an Israeli-Palestinian Borders and Security Agreement

The Saban Center for Middle East Policy (May 2011)
Results of a simulation held by the Brookings Institution to test the resilience of a hypothetical agreement between Israelis and Palestinians on the issues of borders and security. Kenneth M. Pollack analyzes the simulation's implications for an Israeli-Palestinian border and security agreement. Read More >
The Planning/Construction Process in East Jerusalem

Terrestrial Jerusalem (2011)
Presentation detailing the intricacies of the planning and construction process in East Jerusalem. Includes information on each step of the planning process, how long they take, and which administrative bodies are responsible for their implementation (PDF).
Imagining the Border: Options for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Issue

The Washington Center for Near East Policy (2011)
David Makovsky analyzes the intersection of demography and geography in the West Bank in an attempt to demystify the territorial dimension of the conflict and facilitate peacemaking. Detailed maps and in-depth population data help show how the parties can use land swaps to meet some of their most important goals, such as minimizing dislocation, ensuring security, and establishing a contiguous Palestinian state in the West Bank. (read more)
Governing Palestinian Refugee Camps in the Arab East

Issam Fares Institute (2010)
Study that seeks to clarify the relationship between power, sovereignty, and space in Palestinian refugee camps. Examines how a camp is managed in terms of its relationship with the legal authorities and local municipalities of the host country, as well as the internal relationships between the groups within the camps (PDF).
Security for Peace: Setting the Conditions for a Palestinian State

Center for a New American Security (2010)
Examination of what kind of security arrangement would be necessary to serve as a facilitator for a future Palestinian state. Features comparative case studies, expert military and political lessons, and a look at four scenarios that could precede a possible peacekeeping force. Read More >
Getting to the Territorial Endgame of an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement

James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2010)
The result of a workshop composed of two teams of experts, each representing Israeli and Palestinian perspectives. Proposes and addresses various land swap scenarios, as well as the effectiveness of a U.S. bridging proposal on the territorial component of peace. PDF >
Future Borders between Israel and the Palestinian Authority: Principles, Scenarios and Recommendations

The Shasha Center for Strategic Studies (2010)
Study that inquires into the possible routes of the border and their nature, what current and potential processes shape these possibilities, and what can or should be down were one of these possibilities to develop. PDF >
Israel-Palestine Permanent Borders

The Geneva Initiative (2009)
Features satellite photo maps of all border areas between Israel and an independent Palestinian state. Shows the border lines proposed by the Geneva Initiative as compared to the Green Line demarcation of 1949. Read More >
Palestinian Refugees: The Regional Perspective

Chatham House (2009)
Report that seeks to describe the Palestinian refugee issue from a broader regional perspective which includes those of the host countries and the refugees living outside of the occupied Palestinian territory. Read More >
The Border Regime for Jerusalem in Peace

SAYA (2010)
Study that aims to extract a set of policies and recommendations regarding East and West Jerusalem which will enhance future touristic activity on both sides, maintaining their nature as a common holy place, and a unique, significant location on the global scale. Read More >
Final Status: Jerusalem and Return

The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Intensive study that delves into Israeli-Palestinian negotiations over the issues of Jerusalem and refugees. Includes an examination of pertinent theories and styles of negotiations, thorough background on the issues, and guidelines for agreement between the two sides. PDF >
Demographic Profile of Palestinian Migration

The Forced Migration and Refugee Studies Program (2007)
Presents demographic characteristics of Palestinian migration, including refugees both in and outside of the West Bank and Gaza, by examining the evolution of the Palestinian population since the late 19th century. Also examines the differences in demographic and socioeconomic characteristics between migration patterns and populations in host countries. PDF >
Addressing the Palestinian Refugee Issue: A Brief Overview

McGill University / Palestinian Refugee ResearchNet (2007)
Provides a descriptive overview of the course of negotiations from 1991 to 2001 as they pertain to refugees. The report also touches upon issues of donor coordination, economic planning in support of an agreement, as well as the contribution of track II research and dialogue projects. PDF >
Jerusalem - Between the Defensive Barrier and a Settlement or an "Historical Basin" and an "Outlying Neighborhood"

Senat (2007)
Report concluding that, despite 40 years of Israeli attempts at unifying Jerusalem, the city functions as two distinct capitals. Also finds that the city can be divided between East and West on a demographic basis. PDF >
Final Status: Jerusalem and Return

The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Intensive study that delves into Israeli-Palestinian negotiations over the issues of Jerusalem and refugees. Includes an examination of pertinent theories and styles of negotiations, thorough background on the issues, and guidelines for agreement between the two sides. PDF >
A Wall in Jerusalem: Obstacles to Human Rights in the Holy City

B'tselem (2006)
Report on the human rights violations and inequalities experienced by Palestinian citizens of Jerusalem as a result of discriminatory Israeli policies. Includes individual testimonials and case studies. PDF >
Toward a Final Settlement in Jerusalem: Redefinition rather than Partition

The Institute for National Security Studies (June 2005)
The five major principles used by Israel for determining the boundaries of Jerusalem, as well as the effects of the security barrier, are examined by security expert Shaul Arieli. Also provided are detailed, practical proposals for resolution of the Jerusalem issue in the event of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Read More >
The International Court of Justice Opinion on the Route of the Israeli Security Barrier in the West Bank

Americans for Peace Now (November 2004)
Analysis and summary of the ICJ's opinions concerning key arguments over the Israeli security barrier and the possible international legal consequences to its construction. Read More >
Palestinian Refugees and the Politics of Peacemaking

International Crisis Group (2004)
Report that seeks to identify those actors and factors most likely to determine how Palestinian refugees will react to a negotiated agreement of the refugee question. It also assesses the prospects for the implementation of a permanent status agreement. PDF >
Absorbing Returnees in a Viable Palestinian State: A Forward-Looking Macroeconomic Perspective

Arie Arnon and Nu'man Kanafani (2004)
Report that develops a macroeconomic framework to analyze the implications of resettling returning refugees and rehabilitating the Palestinian economy under an assumed overall political settlement. PDF >
Jews from Arab Countries and the Palestinian Right for Return: An Ethnic Community in Realms of National Memory

Yehouda Shenhav / British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (2002)
Examination of the World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries (WOJAC) and its aspiration to operate in the national arena and counterbalance the claims of the Palestinian leadership regarding the refugee question. Also described is how the Israel attempted to use the Jews from Arab Countries to offset the Palestinian demands for return and compensation. Read More >
Democratizing the Refugee Issue - Recommendations
IPCRI (April 16, 2001)
Recommendations based on refugees' perspectives towards negotiations and the reality of refugee camps during 48 town-hall meetings in 9 different refugee camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Read More >
A Report on the Psychological Effects of Overcrowding in Refugee Camps in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

Dr. Randa Farah / International Development Research Centre (2000)
Report that provides an overview of the issue of overcrowding in refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza, deals with the causes and effects of overcrowding, lists relevant priorities and recommendations, and gives a sense of the problem as expressed by refugees and workers in the camps. Read More >
Jerusalem's Holy Places and the Peace Process

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (1998)
Marshall Breger and Thomas A. Idinopulos author this thorough analysis of more than four hundred years of Jerusalem's history in an effort to glean practical, operational lessons from the Ottoman, British, Jordanian, and Israeli control of the city and its holy sites. Read More >