APN Legislative Round-Up: Weeks Ending 2/8/13 & 2/15/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Leahy on the PA, UNESCO, and Timbuktu Antiquities
3. AIPAC Memo on Iran to the Hill - Foreshadowing Policy Conference Focus?
4. Hearings
5. Members on the Record
6. From the Press

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Disillusionment Among Israelis, Palestinians About Peace

PBS Newshour (2013)
Margaret Warner travels to the West Bank and Gaza to hear from Palestinian and Israeli citizens about whether they think peace is possible in their part of the world. Includes interviews with policy experts Yossi Alpher and Ghassan Khatib, as well as Israeli and Palestinian citizens on the ground. (10:41) Watch >

APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 2/1/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hagel Confirmation Hearing Focuses on...Israel and Iran
3. Upcoming Hearings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press


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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 1/25/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. APN Letter to Obama on the Occasion of his Inauguration
3. From the Press

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Laying Bare The Facts About Netanyahu And The Settlements

bibi186x140.jpgOn December 31, 2012, Time Magazine published an article entitled, "The West Bank's 2012: The Year of the Israeli Settlement." Earlier this week, the Israeli Peace Now movement released a new report that makes a case for a different title: 2009-2013: the Years of the Israeli Settlements. The new report (which I co-authored) details the Netanyahu government's record on settlements over the course of its past 4 years in office. The results are incontrovertible: by every objective measure, the Netanyahu government has demonstrated that it is determined to use settlements to destroy the very possibility of the two-state solution.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week Ending 1/18/13

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Key Committees/Subcommittees in the 113th Congress
3. From the Press

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HuffPo: APN's Lara Friedman- Obama's Second Term and His Middle East Legacy


On January 21, 2013, Barack Obama will be inaugurated for his second term as the 44th president of the United States of America. As this day nears, it seems inevitable that he should be thinking about the legacy that he wants to leave after eight years at the helm of this great country. In the Israeli-Palestinian arena, the arc of history has dealt him a clear, binary choice: he can go down in history as the U.S. president who fought for and saved the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or he can go down in history as the president on whose watch the two-state solution was lost, at the cost of the vital interests of both Israel and the United States.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Dec. 21, 2012 - Jan. 4, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters (113th Congress)
2. Bills, Resolutions & Letters (end of 112th Congress)
3. Members on the Record
4. Hagel on the Record on the Middle East

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The Israeli-Palestinian Economic Agreement and Current Consequences

Ephraim Lavie | The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies (January 2013)
Analyzes the Paris Protocol, the economic agreement signed by Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1994, and its effects from then until 2000. Concludes that the Palestinian economy has not brought about economic growth and improvement in the population's well-being. PDF >

bedouin_camp186x140.jpgIn recent weeks it has been fascinating to watch defenders of the Netanyahu government and the settlement enterprise engaging in logical and rhetorical contortions to try to justify the Netanyahu government's pro-settlement policies. What has emerged is simultaneously the most disingenuous and in some ways the most honest discussion of settlements in years.

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