Sample Bequest Language

Specific Bequest

A gift of a specific amount of money or property

You might use or modify the following:

I give and devise to Americans for Peace Now (Federal Tax ID# 13-3509867) located in Washington, DC the sum of $________ [or describe property] to be used for its general purposes.

Email this language to yourself or your advisor:

Again, if you prefer, you can designated your gift to be used for a specific program or project, but please contact us in advance. You might modify the following:

I, [Name], of [City, State, Zip] give and bequeath to Americans for Peace Now (Tax ID# 13-3509867) located in Washington, DC, [amount or percentage of estate property description] for [description of the project or program].

Email this language to yourself or your advisor:

Residual (or Remainder) Bequest

This kind of bequest ensures that your family members are taken care of first and that any debts or expenses are paid so your family won’t be burdened by them. After that, the remainder or a percentage of what’s left of your estate can be given to an organization such as Americans for Peace Now.

You might use or modify the following language:

I, [Name], of [City, State, Zip] give and bequeath to Americans for Peace Now (Federal Tax ID #13-3509867) located in Washington, DC, [all or ____ percent (____%)] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.

Email this language to yourself or your advisor:

If you would like to designate your gift for a particular program or project, please contact us prior to finalizing your plans. We would like the opportunity to discuss your intentions ahead of time to be sure your gift can be used in the way you intend.

APN's Lara Friedman discusses settlements & BDS on Al Jazeera-America's "The Stream" & BDS

Lara-on-al-Jazeera320x265On Wednesday on Al Jazeera America talk show, "The Stream," APN's Lara Friedman discussed settlements & BDS, explaining APN's position opposing BDS targeting Israel and supporting boycotts targeting settlements, settlement products, and the occupation.  She appeared with guests representing the pro-BDS camp -- Josh Ruebner (US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation), and Yousef Mumayyer (The Palestine Center) -- and the camp opposing all Israel-related boycotts -- Avi Mayer (The Jewish Agency for Israel).

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News Nosh 02.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday February 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
"For peace I'm ready to wear even a streimel."
--Justice Minister Tzipi Livni calls on Prime Minister to replace Habayit Hayehudi party with the ultra-Orthodox.**

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News Nosh 02.13.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday February 13, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Naftali Bennett and his people are not willing to hear things they do not like in German. And submarines, Naftali? German submarines we can receive in German?"
--Merav Michaeli reminds pro-settler Economy Minister and his party members of the war submarines Germany is selling to Israel after they walked out on the German EU President's speech.**

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Press Release: APN Applauds House Letter Supporting Diplomacy with Iran

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) thanks the 104 members of the House of Representatives, Republicans and Democrats, who today sent a letter to President Obama supporting the current diplomatic efforts to resolve concerns over Iran's nuclear program.

APN strongly supported the letter and urged House members to sign it.

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News Nosh 02.12.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday February 12, 2014

Quote of the day:
"I have to admit that for me it was a very challenging task. As the day drew near I got very tense and concerned...”
--Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy on giving a lecture to his granddaughter's fourth-grade class on 'why is it necessary to spy.'**

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The New York Times -Thomas L. Friedman: Israel’s Big Question

I’ve written a series of columns from Israel in the past two weeks because I believe that if Secretary of State John Kerry brings his peace mission to a head and presents the parties with a clear framework for an agreement, Israel and the Jewish people will face one of the most critical choices in their history. And when they do, all hell could break loose in Israel. It is important to understand why.

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News Nosh 02.11.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 11, 2014

Quote of the day:
"My big dream is to go to Yemen."
--Israeli singer Zion Golan, known in Yemen as Ziyan Joulan, has become a big star in the conservative Muslim country from which he is banned from visiting.**

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31 Years since Grunzweig Assassination, Incitement Continues


Thirty-one years ago, on February 10th 1983, Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig was murdered by an extreme right Jewish terrorist at a Peace Now demonstration in Jerusalem.

Not far from the Prime Minister’s Office, the terrorist, Yona Avrushmi,  lobbed a hand grenade at the front row of the Peace Now marchers. It killed Emil and injured several of his friends.

It was the first in a series of terrorist attacks by extremist right-wing Israelis against the Israeli peace camp. This campaign to crush peace efforts culminated with the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin twelve years later.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: February 10, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses what motivates pro-settler critics of Kerry; what the Israeli public thinks about the danger of sanctions; whether there is more than meets the eye to the issue of the controversy provoked by Netanyahu's remark that he "doesn't intend to remove a single settler;" and with two Iranian warships are currently crossing the Atlantic and heading toward the US territorial water boundary, what is Iran trying to tell us.

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