
This week, Alpher discusses the NSA listening in on Israel and whether the repeated leaks from Washington that link Israel to mysterious attacks on Syrian missiles are in the same category, Secretary of State Kerry's returning to Israel and Palestine this week and what new initiatives by the two sides await him upon arrival, and why the IDF needs more money now, with security threats from the Arab world reduced by chaos and revolution

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News Nosh 11.04.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Monday November 04, 2013


Quote of the day:

"I really don't feel like I'm in an enemy country, everyone is helping me and caring for me."
--Syrian mother who gave birth yesterday to the first Syrian baby born in Israel because she was more scared for the well-being of her child than of going to the enemy state.**

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News Nosh 11.03.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday November 03, 2013


Quote of the day:

"The bullet that does not kill us makes us stronger."
--Iyad Burnat, star and co-director of the Oscar-nominated film 5 Broken Cameras wrote on his Facebook page after Israeli forces shot him in the leg Friday during weekly protests at his village of Bil'in.**

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YNet -Yuval Diskin: Prevent the next big explosion

Op-ed: To prevent a 'Palestinian spring' Israel must create hope, and prisoner release is part of that

The Arab Spring did not bring, as of yet, stability to any country in which it occured, but it did bring forth a new gospel that's impossible to ignore - the gospel of "The democracy of the masses, and not necessarily of the majority." Mideast nations suddenly realized their strength and their ability to cause coups and change regimes. The public realized that if there's a critical mass of displeased people - even if they are not, by definition, a majority - the regime will struggle to rule.

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News Nosh 11.01.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Friday November 01, 2013


Number of the day:


--The percentage of Jewish Israelis who think a peace agreement will come out of the present talks.**

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Plan for the people you love and plan for peace


Why Consider a Gift in Your Will

What a gift says about you

When you make the important decision to leave a gift to Americans for Peace Now in your will, you demonstrate your commitment to our work to achieve true peace in Israel. A legacy gift shows your belief in the value of our voice and our advocacy. You know that your dedication to peace and your generosity now will be transformational for those who come after.

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News Nosh 10.31.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Thursday October 31, 2013


Number of the day:


--Number of new settler homes the Netanyahu government will now advance plans to construct.**

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News Nosh 10.30.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday October 30, 2013


Quote of the day:

"We don't like it, but we have a responsibility as a government to steer the country according to long-term strategic considerations."
--Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon on the release of 26 Palestinian prisoners last night.**

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Yedioth Ahronoth: "Words Kill" by Mirit Danon

(Translated to English and provided by Israel News Today)

I want to tell you a few personal words. Words written from my heart.

Let me introduce myself briefly: I was the personal secretary of five prime ministers. Almost half of the prime ministers in Israel since its establishment. For many years, I sat next door to the prime minister, and I saw a lot. Mostly, I heard.

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News Nosh 10.29.13

APN's daily news review from Israel

Subscribe to New Nosh

Tuesday October 29, 2013

Quote of the day:

"The first thing needed to make peace is to respect the other side, to see the other side in human terms, as an enemy but not as demonic.''
--Uri Avnery, the 90-year-old peace activist and former politician, talks about whether Israel has what it takes to exist in the future.**

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