Israel's Channel 10 Report - Honenu

Channel 10 News (2015)
Reports on Honenu, a tax-exempt organization that provides legal aid to Israeli Jews indicted for terrorism. Reveals that the individuals convicted of terrorism and their families also receive funds. (7:01) Watch >

APN Legislative Round-Up: August 7, 2015

1. Bills & Resolutions
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record

NOTE: APN has extensive resources on the Iran deal here, including:

- Our regularly updated list of Members of Congress who have committed publicly to support the deal when Congress votes on it in the coming weeks
- Our compendium of comments from Israeli security and nuclear experts in support of the deal
- Our constantly updated collection of the best analysis and commentary on the deal

Also note: Congress is now in recess until Sept 8 (yippee!), which means the Round-Up is also in recess until then.  See you next month!

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Efraim Halevey in Yedioth: Shifting Responsibility

Shifting Responsibility

Oped by Efraim Halevy

Published August 6, 2015 in Yedioth Ahronoth, p. 28 (Hebrew edition), translation by Israel News Today (INT)

The question that has been in the air ever since Prime Minister Netanyahu began his efforts to cancel the nuclear agreement with Iran has been answered: if the US drops out of the agreement, the agreement will be completely canceled. This means that Iran will be free to resume its nuclear activity—the installation in Arak, for example, which is supposed to be completely neutralized according to the agreement, will resume its plutonium track in tandem with its enrichment track. Moreover, the international sanctions regime will collapse and only the US will continue to impose them while Russia and China will resume supplying weapons to Iran full steam and Moscow will again be able to help build the Iranian anti-missile systems as it did in the past. This will be the immediate and tangible cost. And there will be more to come.

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Members of Congress in Support of the Iran Deal

This page features statements -- links and excerpts -- from members of the Senate and the House of Representatives in formal support of the Iran nuclear deal, starting with the latest statements. (Last update: September 17, 11:02am, EST)

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Kahane's grandson's plan to spark a revolt and bring down Israel

Itay Blumenthal / Times of Israel (August 4, 2015)
Far-right activist Meir Ettinger was arrested by the Shin Bet, which says he developed a plan called 'the revolt', designed to inflame tensions and cause anarchy in order to hasten the end of days. Read More >

APN Legislative Round-Up: July 31, 2015

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record

NOTE: APN has extensive resources on the Iran deal here, including a regularly updated compendium of comments from Israeli security and nuclear experts and the best analysis and commentary on the deal.

Also see this op-ed from APN Board Members Luis Lainer and Richard Gunther in the LA Jewish Journal: We Support the Iran Deal

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APN Legislative Round-Up: July 24, 2015

1. Bills & Resolutions
2. Hearings
3. Members on the Record

NOTE: APN has extensive resources on the Iran deal here, including a regularly updated compendium of comments from Israeli security and nuclear experts and the best analysis and commentary on the deal.

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Poll Shows Most Palestinians for Practical Progress, Tactical Compromises with Israel

David Pollock / Fikra Forum, The Washington Institute (July 23, 2015)
Poll shows that most Palestinians want a ceasefire and economic cooperation with Israel, and that many would compromise on core issues to end the occupation. Read More >




Allocation of Government Resources to Education

Edited by Dr. Roby Nathanson and Itamar Gazala / Macro Center for Political Economocis (July 20, 2015)
This study estimates the allocation of resources to education in the West Bank settlements compared to the rest of Israel, particularly areas defined as national priorities due to enhanced economic need. Read More >

Nuanced views of Iran deal, in Yediot Ahronoth

Positive Energy

By Ariela Ringel Hoffman
Published July 17, 2015, in Yediot Ahronoth (Hebrew edition), translation by Israel News Today (INT)

The reactions were as expected: at press conferences brimming with satisfaction in the six signatory countries, particularly in the US, which spearheaded the effort, the agreement that was signed with Iran was dubbed “historic,” in the Iranian Republic people danced in the streets, made the V sign, sung songs of praise to “dear Zarif and beloved Rouhani,” while in Israel, one after the other, top officials from the security establishment faced the microphones to explain how bad the agreement is, how great the danger.

However, it turns out that there are a number of Israeli experts who think otherwise and who are also willing to say so. They are aware of the weak points of the agreement, the negative developments that it enables, but on the other hand, they point out the advantages of the new situation that has been created and the potential for positive change.

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