APN Legislative Round-Up: December 12, 2014

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Nov 22-Dec 5, 2014

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Khelil Helwa (Hebron is beautiful)

Yuval Orr / Il Servizio Civile Internazionale (2014)
On a hilltop in the city of Hebron, where the banality of everyday life clashes with the absurdity of occupation, fifteen-year-old Awni Abu Shamsiya attempts to maintain a sense of normalcy as he goes about his daily routine. (9:46) Watch >

Two States in One Space

IPCRI (November 25, 2014)
Research paper proposing a system where Israel and Palestine would exist as separate sovereign states. Under such a vision, a shared Jerusalem would serve as both states' capital. Read More >


APN Legislative Round-Up: Oct 1 - Nov 21, 2014

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APN's Lara Friedman in The Forward: The Terror Rocking Jerusalem Is Not About God

Four ultra-Orthodox Jews at prayer and one Druze policeman, murdered by two Palestinian young men armed with knives, axes and a gun. The heart grieves for the families of the victims and the suffering of the injured.

This past week’s slaughter was the latest development in an escalation of violence in Jerusalem that dates back to the summer, with the kidnapping and murder of three Israel youth in the West Bank, followed by the kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teen in East Jerusalem. Most of the world ignored the fires burning in East Jerusalem until the flames spread across the Green Line. Two terrorist attacks on the city’s light rail, one attempted assassination of a right-wing activist, several attacks outside Jerusalem, and a horrific synagogue massacre later, the world has woken up to what is turning into a conflagration that threatens to engulf the entire city and beyond.

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Thank you: WWLD dinner

Thank you  for joining us in Boston for The What Would Leibel Do (WWLD)? Awards Dinner honoring Sidney Topol with The Leonard Fein Justice Award and Rabbi Toba Spitzer with The Elizabeth Wyner Mark Peace Award
on Sunday, January 11, 2015.

We appreciate your presence!

To pay via credit card or to make a credit card donation please click here.

For tickets only, please pay via the donate page or send a check in the amount of made payable to Americans for Peace Now to:

2100 M Street, NW, Suite 619
Washington, DC 20037

If you purchased a tribute ad, please pay via the donate page, send a check to the APN office, or contact us at 202-408-9898 or APNBoston@peacenow.org

For further inquiries, please call: 202.408.9898 or email: apnboston@peacenow.org.

The 4th Annual Professor Gerald B. Bubis Lecture -- held in Southern California -- will be Thursday, December 4th, featuring Israel's renowned Jerusalem expert Daniel Seidemann speaking on the topic GETTING REAL ABOUT JERUSALEM.  It could not be more timely.

See below for further information, followed by a detailed bio on the speaker and on Professor Bubis.

RSVP's are requested to 323-934-3480 or apnwest@peacenow.org.

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The Peace Movement


The Israeli peace movement began during the 1978 Israeli-Egyptian peace talks with the establishment of Peace Now (Shalom Achshav). The movement became prominent during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, when 400,000 Israelis (10% of Israel’s population at the time) attended a Peace Now rally. The movement has suffered a decline in the wake of the Second Intifada (2000-2005) but continues to influence the public discourse in Israel.

APN's Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann in the Jerusalem Post: A divided city


The underlying cause of the current crisis is to be found in the inherent dysfunctionality of Israeli rule in East Jerusalem

WHAT POSSESSES hundreds, sometimes thousands of Palestinian youths to clash nightly with Israeli police? That is a question that official Israel, and most particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has neither asked nor answered. Why? Because doing so would challenge his axiomatic faith in “united Jerusalem” – a Jerusalem that doesn’t exist.

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