APN/Peace Now in the News: June 3 - June 13, 2014

The Forward - June 3, 2014
APN's Lara Friedman quoted on the Palestinian unity government and U.S. Funding

New York Times - June 12, 2014
APN's Ori Nir letter to the editor commenting on Dani Dayan op-ed

Arutz 7 - June 8, 2014
Peace Now's Yartiv Oppenheimer exchanges Twitter jabs with settler leader Dani Dayan

San Diego Jewish World - June 12, 2014
APN condemns Israel's approval of 1,084 homes (reprinting of press release)

APN Legislative Round-Up: June 13, 2014

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The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and Its Vicissitudes: Insights From Attitude Theory

Herbert C. Kelman | American Psychologist (May - June 2007)
Analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process since 1967 using attitudes and other related concepts. Also seeks to demonstrate that concepts drawn from attitude theory can be useful tools in this analysis. PDF >

Reclaiming Israel's Future


Logo250(6/16/14) Americans for Peace Now (APN) is proud to announce the launch of our new campaign, "Reclaiming Israel’s Future." The objective of this campaign is to re-focus energy and attention on the challenges that Israelis must face in order to secure a future as a democracy and a Jewish state.

This campaign comes in the context of the failure – or the pause of indefinite duration – of the U.S.-backed peace effort. Despite the sincere efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry and President Obama, their recent initiative fell apart because, like so many efforts before it, it morphed from a political process who purpose was to resolve the conflict, into a political process that simply continued for its own sake. Along the way, this process was exploited, as has happened so often in the past, to provide cover for developments on the ground that are antithetical to any negotiated, two-state resolution of the conflict.

APN’s mission is the achievement of peace and security for Israel, and to ensure Israel’s viability as a Jewish state and a democracy. While we believe that only negotiations can deliver a final resolution to this conflict, in the form of a negotiated two-state solution, we do not believe in process for its own sake. We hope that serious negotiations can be launched again in the future, but we will not sit by, waiting and hoping for a new process to be launched. We believe that now more than ever, it is time to face unflinchingly and without apology the hard truths about Israeli policies and actions that perpetuate this conflict and seek to prevent its resolution. In this way, we are taking action now to Reclaim Israel’s Future – before it is too late.

This is a six-week initiative. Each week, we will focus on a different core issue in this conflict: settlements, Jerusalem, borders and security, hatred and incitement, issues pertaining to the conflicting narratives of Israelis and Palestinians, and a final week that looks to the future and talks about what we can do to support a two-state solution. In the coming weeks, look for notices from us about new resources and activities related to our campaign, including opportunities to take action. Make sure to read our landmark statement, "On the 47th Anniversary of the Occupation: Time for Hard Truths, Tough Actions."

Please check our website often; you can also keep track of the campaign by liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter.

Week 1: Settlements 


Week 2: Jerusalem


Week 3: Borders/Security


Week 4: Hatred/Incitement


Week 5: Recognition & Narratives


Week 6: Moving Ahead


APN-OC: Op-eds - The Peace Process

Abbas' Generous Offer to Israel
Noam Sheizaf | +972 Magazine
May 7, 2014

"A new theory is taking shape in Israel these days: according to some heavyweight analysts and politicians, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indeed went through a “personal transformation” . . ." Read More >


Peace Now, or Never
Ehud Olmert | The New York Times
September 21, 2011

"As the United Nations General Assembly opens this year, I feel uneasy. An unnecessary diplomatic clash between Israel and the Palestinians is taking shape in New York, and it will be harmful to Israel and to the future of the Middle East. I know that things could and should have been different . . ." Read More >


There is a Partner, Just Read the Papers
J.J. Goldberg | The Jewish Daily Forward
January 27, 2011

"Well, well, well, isn't this awkward? After all that talk about Israel having "no partner" for peace, it turns out the Palestinians were ready to make a deal after all, on terms that weren't far from Israel's bottom line . . ." Read More >


A Lesson From the Rabin Assassination
Ori Nir | APN Blog
October 29, 2009

"American baby-boomers will always remember where they were when President Kennedy was assassinated. Israelis, who today are marking the 14th anniversary of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, will always remember where they were when Rabin was murdered by an Israeli religious-nationalist Jew . . ." Read More >

Bridging the Unbridgeable: The Holocaust And Al-Nakba
Dan Bar-On and Saliba Sarsar | Palestine-Israel Journal
Spring 2004

"Palestinians and Israeli Jews are deeply committed to the same tiny piece of land, from which both generate their identities and histories. The conflict has resulted in a total separation between them, and this is expressed through their respective narratives, rituals and myths . . ." Read More >


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Setting the Record Straight: U.S. Law & the new PA government

There’s a lot of talk these days – from pundits, lobbyists, members of Congress, and others – to the effect that according to U.S. law, the Obama Administration must cut off all aid to the Palestinian Authority now that a new government is in power, a government that was produced out of a PLO-Hamas reconciliation agreement.

Regrettably, most of this talk appears to be informed more by anger, opinion, or wishful thinking than a careful analysis of the actual laws in question.   And as always, while every person is entitled to his or her own opinion, there is only one set of facts.  So now it's time to set the record straight.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: May 30, 2014

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Dror Moreh and the Gatekeepers

Checkpoint header

Dror Moreh, an award-winning Israeli filmmaker, recently wrote a letter exclusively for APN underscoring the importance of the work we are doing.  His most recent film, The Gatekeepers, was nominated for Best Documentary Feature at the 2013 Academy Awards. Dror Moreh wrote this letter for Americans for Peace Now, because the only reasonable way to resolve the conflict is a two-state solution. And that's the message former Shin Bet directors make in his documentary The Gatekeepers. The Gatekeepers won several awards, including Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Documentary/Non-Fiction Film.

Read Dror Moreh's important letter here

Listen here for an APN briefing call with Moreh.

The three video clips below are interviews of Moreh talking about his work.

The Siren Call of Unilateral Withdrawal/Annexation


With Israeli-Palestinian efforts at an impasse and immediate-term hopes for progress toward any agreement fading, the appeal of new ideas is understandable. This is no doubt why discussion of Israeli unilateral options—generally in terms of unilateral “withdrawals” from [or annexations of parts of] the West Bank—is in the air. In this context, it’s essential to distinguish between ideas that are genuinely new and constructive, and ideas that simply perpetuate the avoidance and denial adopted by successive Israeli governments. The former are welcome.  The latter are predicated on the belief that catering to the settlers is preferable to confronting them, even if doing so comes at the expense of the best interests of Israel. This latter approach is antithetical to peace and a two-state solution, now or in the future.

They Say, We Say: "Why shouldn’t Israel be able to build in areas that everyone – including the Palestinians - knows Israel will keep in any future peace agreement?"
They Say, We Say: The Gaza experience proves that "land for peace" doesn't work

The Illusion of the Unilateral Solution
(Shaul Arieli, Walla.co.il, 5/27/14)
Lapid: Unilateral annexations will lead coalition to collapse (YNet, 5/27/14)
Are we about to witness a new Israeli unilateral initiative? (Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher, 5/27/14)
One state, two states (Jerusalem Post editorial, 5/18/14)
Paved with Good Intentions, Lined with Settlements (Lara Friedman, Open Zion, 3/14/13)
Killing the Two-State Solution Through the Suspension of Disbelief (Lara Friedman, Huffington Post, 3/7/13)
The Siren Call of Israeli Unilateralism (Lara Friedman, the Daily Beast, 6/18/12)

APN Legislative Round-Up: May 22, 2014

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