APN Legislative Round-Up: Week ending June 28, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Hearings/Briefings
3. Members on the Record
4. From the Press/Blogs

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by Lara Friedman

Last week, friends forwarded me a mailing they had recently received from AIPAC. Included with the letter touting AIPAC's accomplishments and the expected call for donations was a map-style fold-out insert, headlined with the ominous message: "Israel Faces Increasing Threats." Under that headline, taking up more than half the page, is a photo of an Israeli policewoman shepherding to safety an Israeli woman who clearly has been the victim of a bombing attack.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week ending June 21, 2013 (CORRECTED)

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Syria in the Spotlight
3. Hearings/Briefings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press/Blogs

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by Lara Friedman

The Gaza Strip! IDF Girls Gone Wild! These are some of the nicknames for the recent scandal sparked by Facebook photos and video of semi-nude female IDF soldiers, striking poses and dancing on IDF bases and inside IDF facilities, in some cases carrying weapons and sporting (parts of) IDF uniforms. These stories seemed to be everywhere -- including at the Forward.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: Week ending June 14, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. House Takes up FY14 NDAA - Middle East-related Amendments
3. Hearings/Briefings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press/Blogs

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The World Through Arab Eyes

Shibley Telhami | Basic Books (2013)
Book Review (Publishers Weekly) | CampusBooks

APN Legislative Round-Up: Week ending June 7, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. HASC Marks Up FY14 NDAA; Summary of Mideast Provisions
3. Hearings/Briefings
4. Members on the Record
5. From the Press/Blogs

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When Peace Is Not Enough: How the Israeli Peace Camp Thinks about Religion, Nationalism, and Justice

Atalia Omer / University of Chicago Press (2013)
Book Review (Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies) | CampusBooks

Joint Israeli Palestinian Poll (June 2013)

The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace / Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (June 2013)
Shows that a majority of Israelis (62%) supports a two-state solution while 33% oppose it. Among the Palestinians, 53% support and 46% oppose the two-state solution. However, findings also show that Israelis and Palestinians continue to display pessimism regarding the peace process and perceive the other side as constituting a threat to its very existence. PDF >

APN Legislative Round-Up: Weeks ending May 17 and 24, 2013

1. Bills, Resolutions & Letters
2. Congressional Frenzy on Iran Sanctions
3. NORPAC on the Hill
4. Hearings
5. Members on the Record
6. From the Press/Blogs
7. "Israel Allies Foundation" to hold "Jerusalem Day Prayer Breakfast" on the Hill

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