Americans for Peace Now – like millions of Israelis and Palestinians, and others worldwide – is anxiously hoping that Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip will follow Israel’s suit and accept the Egyptian-proposed ceasefire agreement. The agreement was proposed Monday night. Israel’s government welcomed it last night, and officially accepted it today at a Cabinet meeting, and held its fire by 9:00 AM local time (2:00 AM Eastern time), but a barrage of rockets from Gaza continued. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad intensified their rocket fire, arguing that Egypt announced the ceasefire without consulting with their leadership. In response, Israel too resumed fire and continued bombing the Gaza Strip.

We hope that Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip will accept the ceasefire, stop its rocket attacks on Israel and thus prevent further escalation.

Washington, DC – Americans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes news of a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas, brokered by Egypt’s government.  APN urges both Israel and Hamas to adhere to the ceasefire and to find ways to prevent future security escalations such as the current one. APN further urges Israelis, Palestinians and the Obama administration to resume diplomatic efforts to return to the negotiating table in order to achieve a viable, lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement with security for both sides.

APN's President and CEO Debra DeLee said: "Once again, following unnecessary bloodshed, destruction, terror and pain, Israel and Hamas chose diplomacy - the same kind of diplomacy that we at APN have been urging. This devastation, and the long-term impact it has on Israelis and Palestinians alike, can be obviated if both sides choose diplomacy now to pave the road for future Israeli-Palestinian peace.

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: July 14, 2014


This week, Alpher discusses whether Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza is winding down; what the two sides' conditions for a ceasefire are; why Israel doesn't want to remove Hamas from power; what are the alternative strategies that Israel could invoke; whether Hamas' strategic aim is to kill Israelis; and some perspective, looking back and looking forward on Operations Cast Lead in 2009-10, Pillar of Defense in 2012, and now Protective Edge.

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News Nosh 07.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday July 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
“I want something final, not something ‘lite.’ If they want to make peace, fine; if it’s a military operation, also fine. If they want me to hand out candies in Gaza for it to be quiet, I’ll give out candies.”
--David Habaz, a member of Kerem Shalom, a kibbutz on the outside edge of Gaza, wants a solution.**     

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Reclaiming Israel's Future: Week 5 - Hard Truths; Take Action; Resources & Learn More

His Words are Our Words


I would like to bring your attention to an article featuring APN’s summer intern Hamze Awawdeh, a young Palestinian from Dura, just outside of Hebron which ran in The Forward and was picked up by Ha’aretz.

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Hamze is spending the summer with us as a part of our Joint Internship program with the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP) . While we host a Palestinian intern, ATFP hosts an Israeli intern. For the past five years, through this program, Israeli and Palestinian students have worked jointly and forged close personal relationships.

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News Nosh 07.13.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday July 13, 2014

Quote of the day:
"It was fearful. I've never experienced such violence in Tel Aviv in a leftist demonstration."
--Rotem Bin Nun, 38, said after right-wingers beat left-wingers protesting the military operation against Gaza.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: June 28 - July 11, 2014

The Forward - July 9, 2014
APN's Lara Friedman op-ed: Reports that murder of Palestinian teen may have been committed by Palestinians defamed Palestinian society

The Forward - July 10, 2014
APN-ATFP joint internship program participants find common ground in Washington

Haaretz (reprint of Forward story) - July 10, 2014
APN-ATFP joint internship program participants find common ground in Washington

LA Jewish Journal - July 9, 2014
APN intern Hamze Awawdeh's article: Far from family in West Bank: A very different Ramadan

Defense News - June 28, 2014
APN: US security aid to the PA is in Israel's national security interest

The Arab Daily News (online, US-based) - July 2, 2014
APN press releases on recent violence reprinted in entirety

Times of Israel - July 3, 2014
Thousands take part in Peace Now's "Demonstration of Sanity"

Washington Jewish Week - July 2, 2014
APN's Ori Nir doesn't expect major Israeli offense against Gaza Strip

Ynet - July 3, 2014
Thousands take part in Peace Now's "Demonstration of Sanity" in Tel Aviv,7340,L-4537790,00.html

The Forward - July 5, 2014
Conference of Presidents takes steps toward reform; APN has recently demanded such measures


Professor Matti Steinberg, an expert on Palestinian politics and political ideology briefed APN on July 11, 2014, focusing on Hamas. Steinberg analyzed Hamas’ strategy, its ideology, and how they relate to its launching of rockets and missiles into Israel.



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Peace Parsha: In Search of an Unbroken Peace

peace_parsha_logo186x140by APN's summer intern Hannah Ehlers

Israel is no stranger to blaring sirens and rockets soaring overhead, crashing violently or intercepted in repeated close calls. Israel also is no stranger to fear—a genuine, existential fear that does not subside even when the rocket fire goes away. Every reasonable person wants peace and knows that violence is not the way to achieve it. But do enough people, Israelis and Palestinians, believe in the possibility of peace to make it happen?  


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PAST ACTION - Tell the Obama Administration: Work for a Ceasefire NOW


Having urged a ceasefire for the past week, APN was excited at the news of an agreement Monday night, and then deeply disappointed when Hamas and other Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip rejected it and intensified their rocket fire. Now that the Egyptian ceasefire initiative has collapsed, We must redouble our efforts to urge for a credible ceasefire agreement to prevent further bloodshed and devastation and to clear the path for leaders to pivot from war to peace talks.

We therefore ask once again for our supporters to write to President Obama and ask him to use his influence with other world leaders to continue to work for a ceasefire – one which will lay the groundwork for resumed negotiations leading to an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.

rocketsfromgaza320x265These are difficult and painful times. Fear and violence have overtaken both Israelis and Palestinians. Rockets from Gaza are threatening Israelis in every corner of the country, sowing terror and anger; intentional attacks on Israeli civilians by Gaza-based Palestinian terrorists should rightfully be condemned. Israeli military retaliation, irrespective of its intended targets, is causing destruction, death, and injury across Gaza, including the deaths (so far) of scores of innocent civilians, among them many children.

In the face of this crisis, all of us who care about Israel feel terribly powerless. Powerless to stop the violence and suffering. Powerless in the face of the simplistic, false narrative that military force - combined with a metaphorical Iron Dome - can provide Israel real security. Powerless, when we know that the only thing that can provide Israel security is a negotiated agreement that ends the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But we are only powerless if we choose to be. I urge you: Do not be powerless – Take action. We can and must tell the Obama Administration: Work for a Ceasefire NOW.

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