How much do you know? June 17 edition

APN Legislative Round-Up: June 5, 2015

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News Nosh 05.25.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 25, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"In our country, the 'Other' is important to me event if he isn't Jewish,"
--President Reuven Rivlin tells students at a Jewish high school in Jerusalem where he made a surprise visit Thursday.**

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APN Legislative Round-Up: May 22, 2015

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Mock Enforcement: The Failure to Enforce the Law On Israeli Civilians in the West Bank

Yesh Din (May 17, 2015)
Finds that there has been a profound failure of the law enforcement apparatus in the West Bank and an inability by Israel to uphold its obligations under both Israeli and international law to protect the Palestinian population living in the areas it holds under military control. Provides specific, operative recommendations for addressing each of the identified deficiencies. PDF >

APN Legislative Round-Up: May 15, 2015

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Debra-approved-headshot-study-tour-2014-245x250I am a product of the '60's. I demonstrated against the Viet Nam war, marched for civil rights and against racism. I have boycotted lettuce and grapes, in support of the United Farmworkers; Dow, for manufacturing napalm during the Viet Nam war; Coors, for discriminatory hiring practices against people of color and gays; Nestlé, for its aggressive campaign to sell breast milk substitute to young mothers in developing countries; Target, for its significant contributions to Tom Emmer, the rightwing candidate for Minnesota Governor whose agenda included positions I abhorred on everything; and Walmart, for its poor labor practices (except when my mother Ruth Epstein, who turns 100 this August, insists on going there “for the bargains”).

You get the picture. And while I don't support the boycott of Israel or Israeli-made products, I do support boycotting products made in settlements – and I urge others to do the same. In taking this position, I stand with friends, colleagues, and loved ones in Israel – including Shalom Achshav (Peace Now), the veteran Israeli peace movement. I seek out Israeli wine at my local stores, but only buy it if it comes from one of the vineyards inside the Green Line.

I boycott settlements – and urge others who care about Israel to do likewise – because settlements and their expansion is the greatest obstacle to achieving a two-state solution for Israel and her Palestinian neighbors, and thus the greatest threat to an Israeli future that is Jewish, secure, and democratic.

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APN Legislative Round-Up: May 8, 2015

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) applauds the letter sent today to President Obama, signed by 150 House Democrats, in support of ongoing diplomacy with Iran.  APN congratulates Representatives Schakowsky (D-IL), Doggett (D-TX), and Price (D-NC) for their leadership in spearheading this effort and commends all House members who co-signed this critically important letter, which APN backed strongly.

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On Lag B'Omer, End the Plague

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Lag B'Omer - the 33rd day between Pesach and Shavuot- is a little-known Jewish holiday that celebrates (among other things) the cessation of a divinely-sent plague that resulted from people not showing one another adequate respect. It is celebrated with bonfires, and for the religious, a cessation in the semi-mourning practices observed throughout the Post-Passover Omer period. In Israel, on Lag B'Omer, a pall of smoke hovers over the city of Jerusalem from all the bonfires being set throughout the city.

Today, it feels as though mourning is the proper mood. The plague we suffer is one of racism, violence and destruction. "Price tag" - the practice of destroying and vandalizing the property not only of Palestinians, but of Christians, and of those who work for peace on the left, has continued to increase.

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