APN/Peace Now in the News: July 18-July 25, 2014

Sun Sentinel - July 21, 2014
Rabbi Bruce Warshal praises APN and other peace groups for not losing hope

Global Research (online) - July 22, 2014
Peace Now mentioned in article about attacks on Israel's peace movement

The NY Jewish Week - July 23, 2014
APN's statement on Gaza War quoted

LA Jewish Journal - July 23, 2014
APN's David Pine quoted on Gaza War

APN Legislative Round-Up: July 3-25, 2014

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Jews and Muslims join in fast for peace around the world

In the past month, the Jewish and Muslim communities have been shattered by the terrorist killings of four boys: Naftali Fraenkel, Gilad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah, and Muhammed Abu Khdeir.

On Tuesday, July 15th, the Jewish and Muslim calendars are united in a day of fast:
Traditionally, the 17th of Tammuz is a fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the second temple, and beginning the 3 weeks leading up to the observance of Tisha B'Av.  The 17th of Tammuz is a minor fast day, lasting only from dawn to dusk. The fasts of Ramadan are also dawn until dusk fasts, done daily through the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (which this year began on the evening of June 28th). It is a holiday of sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate (APN's intern, Hamze Awadeh, wrote about what Ramadan means to him)
For both traditions, this is a day designated for soul-searching, an opportunity for people to take responsibility, and
for self-reflection, communal purification, and repentance.

Across the United States, in Israel and the West Bank, and internationally, Jews and Muslims are gathering together to observe this day in the hope of ending the cycle of bloodshed. Although it is not an answer, it is a hopeful gesture. We encourage you to participate in this day of reflection.

APN's Lara Friedman in The Forward: A Blood Libel Against All Palestinians

The family of murdered Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdeir / Haaretz

On July 1, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu eulogized the three Israeli yeshiva students murdered in the West Bank. “A deep and wide moral abyss separates us from our enemies,” he said. “They sanctify death while we sanctify life…”

When 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir was kidnapped and murdered in East Jerusalem a few days later, Netanyahu’s words — and words like them — framed the story. Indeed, an unbiased consumer of media reports about Abu Khdeir’s killing would likely conclude that while the perpetrators turned out to be Jewish Israelis, they might just as likely, or more likely, have been Palestinians.

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Americans for Peace Now (APN) mourns with the Palestinian people the death of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, the 16-year-old Palestinian kidnapped and brutally murdered last week in Jerusalem.  APN (once again) condemns the kidnapping and the killing, and sends its condolences to the Abu Khdeir family. APN calls on the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian factions, to prevent further escalation and further loss of innocent lives.

APN's President and CEO Debra DeLee said:

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APN Legislative Round-Up: June 21 - July 2, 2014

1.   Bills & Resolutions
2.  Hearings
3. Members on the Record
4.  From the Press


With apologies for the irregular timing of the Round-Up – a victim of summer travel plans…


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APN/Peace Now in the News: June 20 - June 27, 2014

The Forward - June 24, 2014
APN expresses understanding for PC-USA's divestment move

The Third Way (Mitchell Plitnick's blog) - June 23, 2014
Reprint of APN's press release on PC (USA)'s divestment decision

Briefing Call - “Conversation with Brigadier General (ret.) Shlomo Brom: Defensible Borders”

Americans for Peace Now / (June 27,  2014)
Briefing call with Brigadier General (ret.) Shlomo Brom, who discusses why the 1967 lines, with reasonable land swaps, would be defensible bordesr between Israel and the West Bank portion of the future state of Palestine. Read More >

APN Legislative Round-Up: June 20, 2014

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Facts on the Ground: Elliot Abrams’ Flawed Defense of Bibi’s Settlement Push

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is getting a raw deal.   That’s the line being peddled by Elliot Abrams, who has emerged in recent months as one of the staunchest U.S. defenders of Netanyahu’s settlement policy.  Rather than bury Netanyahu with criticism for expanding settlements, Abrams argue, the world should praise him for his unrecognized settlement restraint.  The facts, Abrams insists, tell the story – facts that Abrams cherry-picks and spins to build a case that is pure fiction.

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