Peace Now Petitions High Court against Expropriation Law

Israel’s Peace Now movement submitted on March 5th 2017 a petition to the Israeli High Court of Justice against the newly adopted Expropriation Law (also known as the Legalization Law or the Regulation Law), a law that allows the expropriation of privately-owned West Banks Palestinian land for settlement construction.

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March 06, 2017 - Netanyahu and Russia; Trump, Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses possible agenda items for Thursday's meeting in Moscow between Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Russian President Putin; the Trump angle; the Syrian civil war; whether all Israel wants from the Russians in Syria is to keep Iran far away; what Russia could want from Israel; and the possible effects of a Trump administration move to ban the Muslim Brotherhood on Muslim movements among Arab citizens of Israel.

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News Nosh 3.06.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday, March 6, 2017
You Must Be Kidding:
"I was very hurt; they asked me if I had ties to ISIS. I am a married man and I want to live and support my family with dignity."
--Majdi Othman of Abu Ghosh town was shocked to learn that the Shin Bet denied him permission for a technical job in an external company working at Ben-Gurion Airport. The Shin Bet said his "security status was found unsuitable.” Othman, an Arab-Israeli, served in the IDF as a combat medic and driver and fought in the Second Lebanon War.**
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Americans for Peace Now presents The Dove

Americans for Peace Now

The Dove
Stories of Hope Amidst Conflict

The Dove is an evening of live, personal stories – told by Israelis, Palestinians, and others who have experienced the Israeli-Palestinian conflict first-hand – based on the popular storytelling show The Moth. Their stories describe real-life experiences in Israel and the occupied territories that inspire hope for Israeli-Palestinian peace, and that show how light can overcome darkness.

Thursday, April 6th| 8:30pm - 10pm | $5
Washington, DC | Busboys and Poets (5th and K location; 1025 5th Street NW)

Purchase tickets


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News Nosh 3.05.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 5, 2017
Quote of the day:
"I am going to say something that sounds harsh: there are between 15% and 20% [who oppose two-states] on the Israeli side and the Palestinian side. On their side it is mainly Hamas and on the Israeli side it is the fundamentalist ideologues who prefer the Land of Israel over the Zionism of a Jewish and democratic State of Israel."
--In an expansive interview in Maariv, former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon says Israeli society is led by extremists who support a one-state solution.*
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News Nosh 3.03.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday, March 3, 2017
Quote of the Day #1:
“…Once we used the Jewish National Fund to raise money to buy the lands. Today? We just pass a law saying we can just take their lands and that’s it. Soldiers shoot at stone-throwers because they’re a real threat, but if in Israel someone throws stones they won’t even be charged…for years we’ve been deepening the hatred,  the same hatred that we later complain about in peace talks, ‘Why do you incite your children against us? Why don’t you teach them to love us?’ Israel’s most impressive innovation, more than any hi-tech project, or Rafael weapon, is our amazing ability to ignore what is happening mere kilometers away to our neighbors. A whole people, transparent. Like it doesn’t exist. Not in the news. Not online. Not in social media. And definitely not in the hearts of the people. Nothing. We’ve got a great country and great restaurants and it’s fun to travel abroad. Just don’t tell us what’s really happening. We’re good. Don’t bum us out…"
-- In his last show, Israeli political comedy show host, Asaf Harel, made a searing indictment of Israeli society that has gone viral on social media.
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News Nosh 3.02.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 2, 2017
Quote of the day:
"You want to win, but it's friendly too."
--Karem Joubran, a 27-year-old Palestinian from Shuafat refugee camp, in E. Jerusalem, who crossed IDF military checkpoints to participate in a very special Jewish-Arab backgammon event held in west Jerusalem.*
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News Nosh 3.01.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 1, 2017
Quote of the day:
"Hamas doesn't plan to destroy Israel through tunnels, it's looking to wear it down. In the psychological war, in the tunnels category, Hamas 1: Israel 0.”
--Maariv’s military correspondent, Noam Amir, writes that Israel has its spending priorities all wrong due to Israelis' psychological fears.*
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Harold Shapiro z"l

Harold_Shapiro200Americans for Peace Now (APN) is deeply saddened at the death of Harold Shapiro, a longtime member of our Board of Directors, a leader of our movement and a beloved member of the APN family and the American Jewish pro-Israel pro-Peace extended family.

Harold was an inspiration and model for American pro-Israel progressive activism. In addition to his longtime work with APN, he was the Chairman of Partners for Progressive Israel (formerly Meretz USA) and a longtime member of organizations that preceded PPI and Meretz USA. He was a three-time delegate to the World Zionist Congress and a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel. He was born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas, and spent most of his adult life in New York City, where he invested in Broadway productions.

APN Salutes Harold’s dedication to Israel’s security and well-being and to Israel’s moral standing, as well as his immense contribution to America’s pro-Israel progressive movement.  

News Nosh 2.28.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 28, 2017
Quote of the day:
"Democracies don't disappear overnight. They are slowly gnawed away."
-Law professor and head of the human rights division at the Ramat Gan Academic Center for Law and Business, Yossi Dahan, describes how two recent legislative proposals are the latest in the right-wing camp's attempt to create an 'empty democracy.'*

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