Israel’s “Entry Law”: What It Is and What It Means

***UPDATE: The final language of the bill has been significantly broadened, and now applies to “Any person who is not a citizen of Israel or holds a certification for permanent residency in the state of Israel shall not be given a residing certification or permit of any kind, if he, or the organization or agency for the sake of which he acts (she-hu po’el avuram), has knowingly published a public call to boycott the State of Israel, as defined in the Law to Prevent Harming the State of Israel through Boycott of 2011, or if he has committed to take part in such a boycott, as stated.”*** 

***UPDATE: The Knesset passed the "Entry Bill" into law on March 6, 2017***

APN's statement condemning passage of the law is here.

What is the “Entry Law”?

The so-called “Entry Law” currently under consideration is an amendment to Israel’s 1952 “Entry Law,” which determines who is allowed to enter into Israel and under what conditions.

The amendment stipulates that any person who is not an Israeli citizen will be denied entry into Israel if:

“if the person, or the organization or agency for the sake of which he acts, has knowingly publicized a call to boycott the state of Israel, as defined in the 2011 Law to Prevent Harming the State of Israel through Boycott, or (if that person) has pledged to participate in such a boycott.”[while granting Israel’s Interior Minister the prerogative to issue exceptional entry permits to boycotters “for special reasons.”]

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APN/ Peace Now in the News: January 23-27, 2017

APN's Lara Friedman in The Hill: January 27, 2017
"David Friedman is the wrong choice for US ambassador to Israel"

The nomination of David Friedman to be the next ambassador of the United States to Israel has stirred a fierce debate, focused primarily on Friedman’s well-documented bombastic rhetoric and his views on settlements, the occupation, and the Palestinians — views that are at odds with decades of bipartisan U.S. policy.

As the Senate gets ready to consider Friedman’s nomination, what has been largely overlooked is the fact that, based on his own very clear and public record, Friedman is by any objective standard disqualified from serving as America’s diplomatic envoy to any country, and especially to Israel. Continue Reading...

I24 News: January 26, 2017
No action after closed door UN Talks on Israeli Settlement Construction,” Peace Now says that Netanyahu is taking advantage of Trump’s recent election as President of the United States to appeal to Israel’s right-wing settler population.

The Jerusalem Post: January 26, 2017
Peace Now: Israel Begins to Act On 73% of the 2,500 Settler Homes,” Following the Housing Ministry’s approval of tenders for new housing units in the West Bank, Peace Now urges Netanyahu “to take responsibility for the future of Israel by halting settlement construction and assuring the future of Israel as both Jewish and democratic.”

Haaretz: January 24, 2017
Israel Approves Construction and Planning of 2,500 Settler Homes in West Bank,” Peace Now speculates that by approving construction of new settlement homes, Netanyahu is trying to appease the right in response to their criticism of his actions during Operation Protective Edge.

The Times of Israel: January 24, 2017
PA: Trump Encouraged Israel to Okay 2,500 Settlement Homes,” Americans for Peace Now says that the construction of 2,500 new settler homes may be the largest number approved since 2013.

VICE News: January 24, 2017
Israel Just Approved Construction of 2,500 Settlements in the West Bank,” Ori Nir, spokesperson for Americans for Peace Now, warns that moving the American embassy to Jerusalem would have “destabilizing repercussions in the region.”

January 30, 2017 - Trump and Israel: II


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses issue areas where President Trump’s provocative agenda touches on Israel; the motives behind PM Netanyahu's tweet that said the wall Israel built along its border with Egypt is a good model for the wall Trump wants to build, at Mexican expense, along the US-Mexico border; Israel's decision to absorb 100 Syrian refugee children at a time when Trump’s executive order bans entry into the US of refugees and visa holders from Syria; the Iran factor; the settlements issue; and Netanyahu's chances of beating all of the accusations raised against him and remaining in power.

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News Nosh 1.30.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday January 30, 2017  
Quote of the day:
“Netanyahu’s statement created negative feelings among Mexicans towards Jews and the (Jewish-Mexican) community, and that causes terrible anti-Semitism."
--Chief Rabbi of Mexico, Shlomo Tawil, wrote in a letter to Israeli Interior Minister Arieh Deri in response to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Tweet message that US President Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the Mexican border is a "great idea."
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News Nosh 1.29.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday January 27, 2017  
Quote of the day:
"...(it) is the sad historical irony that, of all nations, the one bragging about his success in turning away survivors of genocides and brutal dictatorships one day after International Holocaust Day is none other than the Prime Minister of Israel.
--Haaretz's Asher Schechter writes about Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's Twitter message expressing support for US President Donald Trump's plan to build a wall on the Mexican border.*
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Press Release: APN to Netanyahu: Don't Embrace Trump's Immigration Policies

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is appalled at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's expression of support for President Trump's immigration policies. APN calls on Netanyahu to stay out of America's heated debate on immigration, and to take into consideration the impact that statements on issues like this have on Israel's relations with broad, key segments of the American public and with the vast majority of American Jews.

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News Nosh 1.27.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday, January 27, 2017  

Quote of the day:
"If you honk, you're not about to run people down."
-- Said Yakub Abu al-Kiyan's brother-in-law, Salim, who heard Yakub’s horn honking nonstop during the incident that night in Um al-Hiran village, during which Border Police shot and killed Yakub while he drove his car, which ran over and killed one of the policemen. The horn may have sounded when he fell onto the steering wheel, wounded, or maybe he blew it deliberately, wrote Haaretz reporter Gideon Levy, who visited and interviewed his family.
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News Nosh 01.26.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 26, 2017  
You Must Be Kidding: 
Jared Kushner's name appeared on the website of Friends of the Israel Defense Forces as a member of the national board until just two days ago. Kushner is the son-in-law and personal advisor of the US President. A day after Haaretz submitted questions both to the organization and to a spokeswoman for the Kushner family about his continued involvement on the board, it was suddenly removed.**
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News Nosh 01.25.17

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday January 25, 2017  
Quote of the day:
“Was the war really conducted in a negligent manner, or perhaps Netanyahu and (former defense minister Moshe) Ya'alon actually demonstrated responsibility and caution? After all, they knew and understood, as well as the chief of staff and his generals, that fast moves - as (Minister Naftali) Bennett urged: "Be galloping horses" - will cause many deaths that Israeli society finds difficult to deal with… And there is another truth that must be admitted: neither Hamas nor its tunnels pose a strategic threat to Israel's military power.”
--Maariv’s Intel commentator Yossi Melman writes that while the State Comptroller’s report may make look Minister Naftali Bennett look good for exposing that information was kept from the security cabinet, it doesn’t necessarily mean that Bennett was strategically right in pushing for the destruction of the Hamas tunnels.*
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APN Update - A must read Alpher, don't be a "freier," whose side are you on? the Inauguration and more

Americans for Peace Now
Americans for Peace Now: January 24, 2017

"When quoting President Trump we are dealing with a highly inflated ego, a totally unique take on truth and facts, and someone who changes his position at the flick of a tweet."

Yossi Alpher, Israeli security expert, in this week's Hard Questions, Tough Answers (see below).

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

January 23, 2017 - Trump and Israel: the beginning

Q. We’re having this discussion barely three days after the inauguration. What can we say at such an early stage regarding Trump and Israel?

A....he and his young administration have already said things we cannot ignore when it comes to America and Israel...

Q. Start with the inauguration speech.

A....Trump’s dramatic inaugural address must be understood as a foundational document of his administration...

Q. But hasn’t Trump already pledged that his son-in-law would tackle the peace process? And hasn’t his administration declared it was beginning to deal with moving the US embassy to Jerusalem?

A. ...the likelihood of Kushner successfully brokering Israeli-Palestinian peace is low, if not zero...As for the embassy move, could Trump actually be listening to the warnings from the Arab world?...

Q. Where do “alternative facts” enter the US-Israel picture?

A. ...we have to ask ourselves what the Trump team’s world of alternative facts means for the most sensitive dimensions of the Israeli-American partnership...

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Recommended Reading

Medium: "Israel's Freedom Riders" by APN Board Member Mik Moore

American Jews are justifiably proud of those from our community who put their personal safety on the line to end Jim Crow in the South. Yet we ignore or condemn those from our community who put their personal safety on the line to end Jim Crow in the West Bank.

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APN in Action

APN to Trump: Don't be a "Freier"

Soon after President Trump was sworn in, the Israeli Government announced the promotion of approximately 2,500 settlement housing units, the largest amount since previous negotiations were held.

APN warns President Trump about acquiescing to a series of West Bank and East Jerusalem settlements-related measures taken or intended to be taken by the Government of Israel. We urge President Trump to not let the Israeli right-wing make a "freier" (Hebrew for "sucker") out of him, but instead to stand up to both Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and to the settlement supporters who are prominently represented among Trump's own supporters and advisors.

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Peace Now: "Netanyahu is taking advantage of the presidential transition in the United States in order to appease the settlers... Instead of jeopardizing the two-state solution, it is time for Netanyahu to take responsibility for the future of Israel by halting settlement construction and assuring the future of Israel as both Jewish and democratic."


APN Statement on The Inauguration of President Trump

APN's statement begins with: Under normal circumstances, Americans for Peace Now (APN) would today be welcoming the inauguration of the new U.S. president, wishing him success and urging him to take action toward peace between Israel and her neighbors. Today’s circumstances are not normal.

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Whose side are you on? - Support APN's "Facts on the Ground 2.0"

APN is developing the new version of its unique "Facts on the Ground" Map App to help fight back against settlement expansion and to preserve the two-state solution.

Go HERE for more on this project, and to help support it.

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