
Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses the recent poll revealing that fully two-thirds of Israeli Jews believe it is possible to continue to occupy the West Bank yet remain truly democratic and how this finding meshes with emerging developments inside Israel; what has changed in Israel and the Middle East over the last 20 years; Is the Levant conflict and the agreement, reached last week in Munich, for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid in Syria the beginning of the end of ISIS; and whether there is a broader global strategic meaning to these developments.

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News Nosh 02.15.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday February 15, 2016
Quote of the day:
"What makes you think that the tears on the pillow of a bereaved Palestinian mother are of a different color or substance than those of a grieving Israeli mother? What could make you think that in comparing suffering no mother can suffer more than 'our' mothers?  Perhaps you think that you know how a Palestinian mother feels, or that their culture is different, or that she does not value the life of her child like 'we' do?"
--Robi Damelin, whose soldier son was killed by a Palestinian sniper, slams Jewish Israelis who call for Army Radio journalist Razi Barkai to be fired for comparing bereaving mothers.**
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News Nosh 02.14.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday February 14, 2016
Quote of the day:
“The government’s message to the settlers is that in practice, there is no need for planning and advance approval of plans, as ultimately the construction will be approved after the fact.”
--Peace Now said after it released its 2015 report on settlements that revealed that since Binyamin Netanyahu came to power in 2009, 61% of all building in settlements was in isolated ones.
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APN/Peace Now in the News: February 06, 2016 - February 12, 2016

Not asking for money.

As always, I started today with coffee and the news including APN'S News Nosh. This morning, the News Nosh shared a surreal Knesset debate about a bill that would make it possible to dismiss Arab MKs with a simple vote. MK Nissan Slomiansky of Habayit Hayehudi actually said "I wanted to hold a principled discussion" about it.

News Nosh

A principled discussion about such a bill!

Much of what I read in News Nosh is infuriating, but it would be far worse to be uninformed. I - and you - need to know what is going on and we need to know about the good news and the good work being done by so many on both sides of the conflict. News Nosh enables us to do that.

APN offers a unique and necessary daily news aggregator from the Hebrew press, for free! You can surf the web for Israeli news sites, struggle with Hebrew and pop-up ads, or you can let APN do the work for you. All you need to do is sign up.

Thank you,
Geoffrey Lewis
Board member, Americans for Peace Now


News Nosh 02.12.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday February 12, 2016
Quote of the day:
“I didn’t compare for a moment between IDF soldiers that were killed and between Palestinians. I think that between the feeling of a bereaved Israeli and a bereaved Palestinian mother – there is no difference. If the words hurt, it was an unsuccessful remark.”
--Army Radio journalist Razi Barkai was quoted saying on air after bereaved parents of fallen Israeli soldiers expressed outrage at his comparison this week. Yesterday, Army Radio director Yaron London apologized to the Israeli parents, Israel Hayom reported today. The parents have demanded Barkai's removal and Army Radio has announced it has shortened his show and added a show by far right-wing journalist, Aral Segal.

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News Nosh 02.11.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday February 11, 2016
Debate of the day:
Knesset Law and Justice Committee Chairman MK Nissan Slomiansky (Habayit Hayehudi): "I wanted to hold a principled discussion."
MK Miki Rosenthal (Zionist Camp): “What principle do you want us to discuss? This law includes two words: ‘Arabs, Out.’”
MK Yousef Jabareen (Joint Arab List) to Slomiansky: “Perhaps you will propose we resign and that’s it?” 
MK Oren Hazan to MK Jabareen: “I’m prepared to drive you home.” 
--The 'circus' of a debate held in the Knesset Law and Justice Committee to discuss a bill that states that aims to be able to dismiss Arab MKs with a vote.*
You Must Be Kidding: 
1.) “First, Israel builds a military base in a Palestinian neighborhood, then, impertinently, it infringes on the neighborhood’s children’s basic right to education.”
--Ir Amim NGO said in response to Israel's objection to opening a school in East Jerusalem, claiming it would endanger a nearby Border Police base.**

2.) "I want to go back to history, what is our place here, about Jerusalem, about Palestine, when like we said, Arabic doesn't even have 'P,' so this loan-word also merits scrutiny." 
--Likud MK Anat Berko, a criminologist who  expert on Islamic terror, tells the Knesset plenum that the Palestinian nation doesn’t exist, because Arabic doesn't have a 'P.' (The Arabic word is Falasteen, not Palestine.)***
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News Nosh 02.10.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday February 10, 2016
Quote of the day:
"It’s not only a soldier’s right to disobey an order that is patently illegal, it’s his obligation. That is my demand as chief of staff." 
--IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot discusses the issue of testimonies soldiers gave to Breaking the Silence, to which Yedioth and Haaretz arrived at very different conclusions.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Dozens of ultra-Orthodox men attack military police officers in Ashdod, throw stones at them, and overturn their car. 
-No arrests were made.
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News Nosh 02.09.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday February 9, 2016
Quote of the day:
"As far as comparing the feelings of Palestinian and Israeli mothers -- there's no difference."
--Veteran journalist Razi Barkai explains the comparison he made between bereaved parents of killers and of killed to an angry Jewish bereaved parent.*
You Must Be Kidding: 
"This is an absurd situation. Of all people the Palestinian peace activists who work on activities that bring closeness and reconciliation are prevented from entering Israel. And that's a result of guidelines that have nothing to do with security considerations." 
--Yuval Rachamim, chairman of the Israeli peace organizations forum, after the IDF changed the guidelines making it much harder for peace activists to enter Israel.**
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PAST ACTION - Tell Congress: Pro-Settlements is NOT Pro-Israel

Settlement Overlook

Update: this action, now closed, ran in February 2016. 

There are bills pending in both the House and Senate that seek to reverse almost 5 decades of U.S. policy with respect to Israeli settlements.

Contact your House member tell her/him: pro-settlements is NOT pro-Israel!

All three of these bills – H. Res. 567, S. Res. 346, and S. 2474 – purport to be about countering BDS against Israel. In reality, all three are really about erasing the distinction between Israel and the occupied territories and legislate U.S. protection and support for Israeli settlements.

Your Senators need to hear from you today! Tell them: Conflating Israel with settlements is reckless and dangerous, for both the U.S. and Israel.

These bills did not emerge from a vacuum. They are part of a broader effort – supported by AIPAC and other groups – to exploit legitimate concerns about growing grassroots support for the BDS movement in order to change U.S. policy on settlements.

For more info on H. Res. 567 and S. Res. 346, see here and here.
For more info on S. 2474, see here.

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