March 07, 2016 - Israel and Trump; Israel and Reform Judaism; Israel, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon


Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

This week, Alpher discusses why Netanyahu is risking his coalition with the ultra-Orthodox by granting prayer rights at the Western Wall to the US-based Reform and Conservative movements and how this is connected to his quest to shore up American public support for Israel; what Israelis think of Donald Trump; and what does it mean for Israel that Saudi Arabia is punishing Lebanon because of Hezbollah’s ties to Iran and support for the Assad regime in Syria;

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News Nosh 03.07.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 7, 2016
Quote of the day:
"While everyone is talking about politics, we’re trying to create real change on the ground. This Jewish-Arab partnership between Nazareth and Tel Aviv simply works.”
 -Eitan Sela, co-founder of Hybrid, a project which aims to advance Israeli Arabs in the startup world with the help of alumni of Unit 8200, the elite IDF Military Intel hi-tech unit.

You Must Be Kidding: 
“They told me always to start with a quote because it makes a cultured impression, so here’s one. As a well-known Chinese philosopher once said: ‘Cut the bullshit.’” 
--Controversial Israeli Culture Minister Miri Regev opens her address to the Haaretz Culture Conference. She was booed.
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News Nosh 03.06.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 6, 2016
Number of the day:
--The amount of dollars donated in the last eight years to the far right-wing Elad organization, which champions Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem - much of it coming from shadowy companies based in global tax shelters.
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APN and Peace Now in the News: February 27, 2016 - March 4, 2016

APN's Rabbi Alana Suskin op-ed: Don't Give up on Israel! (Jerusalem Post, 3/2/2016)

News Nosh 03.04.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday March 4, 2016
Quote of the day:
“So far, the major stumbling block to replacing Bibi is ego. As soon as we solve that, everything will be easier.”
--One of the senior politicians from the right-wing involved in trying to get Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu out of power tells Haaretz's Yossi Verter about one of the biggest problems.
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News Nosh 03.03.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 3, 2016
You Must Be Kidding: 
"You're just proving that you are the ones here who are the terrorists."
--Oryan Ben-Uliel, wife of Amrama, the main suspect in the murder of three members of the Dawabshe family, responded as she walked past the supporters for the murdered Dawabshe family, who chanted "murderers" at her. They responded shouting "God is great." 
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Briefing Call: Two States: The Only Solution – with Daniel Kurtzer

Daniel_Kurzer150On March 2nd 2016, APN hosted Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, a leading expert on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and on efforts to resolve it for a briefing call on the state of the two-state solution.

Transcript Below

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News Nosh 03.02.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 2, 2016

APN briefing call today with expert, Amb. Dan Kurtzer, on the viability and the desirability of a two-state solution and the efforts underway to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Call time: 2:30 pm EST. More details here.
Quote of the day:
"The bill emits a McCarthyite stench. Its sponsors’ goals are clear and well known: to harass Arab Knesset members, who serve as a bridge between the Arab community and state agencies."
--Haaretz Editorial calls on MKs "who still see the right to vote and to be elected as a sacred and fundamental right...even when the words and actions of the minority’s elected representatives aren’t to the liking of the ruling majority" to vote against the 'Suspension Bill'.'*

You Must Be Kidding: 
Travel agents who were at a meeting with the Tourism Ministry’s director genera Amir Halevy understood that the ministry intends to cut grants allotted to Israeli travel agencies whose groups sleep over in Bethlehem. 
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Occupation, Inc: March 10 panel discussion with APN's Lara Friedman

On March 10, 2016, Human Rights Watch, the Foundation for Middle East Peace, and Americans for Peace Now hosted a panel discussion of Human Rights Watch’s new report, Occupation, Inc.: How Settlement Businesses Contribute to Israel’s Violations of Palestinian Rights. 

Discussing the report was Sarah Saadoun, the report’s author, and APN’s Lara Friedman. Sarah Saadoun is the Leonard H. Sandler Fellow at Human Rights Watch. Lara Friedman is APN’s Director of Policy and Government Relations.. The discussion will be moderated by Matthew Duss, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. 


What: Occupation, Inc., a discussion of Human Rights Watch’s reports on how business in and with Israel’s settlements contributes to violations of Palestinian rights. 

Watch the video of the event below:


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News Nosh 03.01.16

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Quote of the day:
"My peers and I don’t need any more multi-million dollar ventures to save us. What we need is for the community to wake up. What we need is for the community to stop willfully blinding itself to the disastrous reality of holding millions of Palestinians under military occupation."
--Simone Zimmerman, a young Jewish American, rejects the idea that to save the Jewish future and Israel’s public image, Jewish young people need to be engaged in “universal do-gooding," as Haaretz+ commentator Ari Shavit suggested.*

You Must Be Kidding: 
A campaign organized by a new settler group of comprising so-called moderate settlements adjacent to the road between Jerusalem and the Dead Sea has released a video on Facebook comparing EU Ambassador to Israel Lars Faaborg-Andersen to Hannibal Lecter, the serial killer from the film "Silence of the Lambs" because of the EU's aid in giving temporary housing to Palestinian Bedouin living in that corridor.**
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