

This week, Alpher discusses why the most senior ministers of Israel’s right-wing coalition are taking a strong stand against terrorist attacks by extremist fringe settlers, even though it is a pro-settler coalition; whether new political and ideological lines have been drawn and the political right woken up to the excesses of the settlement enterprise; what are the new regional dynamics and alignments emerging from the Islamic State challenge to the Middle East across the region, with Turkey and Israel talking again, Saudi Arabia establishing a 34-member Islamic coalition, and Israel reportedly assassinating a Hezbollah terrorist in the all-but-occupied (by Russia) Syrian capital of Damascus; and where Israel is in this dynamic.

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News Nosh 12.28.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 28, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“…they also sing songs similar to the ones in the video (‘Burn down the mosque’ and ‘We will avenge one of the two eyes of Palestine, curse them’), and while the Arabs shut themselves into their homes, the dancers chant ‘Death to Arabs.’ Not only are the police there, they also try to prevent leftists from recording the events.”
--Amira Hass describes a monthly religious Jewish event in the Old CIty and other reasons why Israelis should not be shocked by the ‘Wedding of Hate’ video.**

You Must Be Kidding: 
“Professional literature to strengthen the IDF’s fighting spirit from Jewish sources.”
--The IDF military rabbinate’s description of the 25,000 books it bought for IDF soldiers, which include an illustrated children’s prayer book and “The Industry of Lies,” by right-wing journalist Ben-Dror Yemini.***
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APN Statement: Israeli Government's anti-NGO Bill: Hate Crime against Democracy

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed and appalled by the Israeli Cabinet's approval today of a bill aimed at intimidating and silencing progressive Israeli non-profit organizations such as our sister-organization Peace Now (Shalom Achshav), Israel's preeminent peace movement.

The bill, introduced by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the far-right Jewish Home party compels representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs, or non-profit organizations), which receive funding from foreign governments, to wear special tags on their clothing whenever visiting the Knesset, and to provide details about their foreign funding in any communication with elected officials.

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News Nosh 12.27.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday December 27, 2015  
Quote of the day:
"If there’s one thing I regret as a citizen it’s that I and my generation, as well as the one before us, the War of Independence generation, were party to a conspiracy of silence surrounding the Israel Defense Forces in this country’s first 20 years."
--Israeli historian and fascism expert, Zeev Sternhell, examines why Israelis don't want to confront the ugly truths the Israeli human rights NGOs expose.**
You Must Be Kidding: 
"It is known that all the acts they seek to attribute to Jews were committed by Arabs."
---Rabbi Daniel Stavsky, who participated in the radical right-wing wedding dance and was considered the 'Hilltop youth rabbi,' said the Shin Bet wrongly believed Jews were behind Duma arson-murders.***
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News Nosh 12.24.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 23, 2015  
Quote of the day:
"Whoever dances at a wedding and celebrates the murder of a sleeping baby is not Jewish and not Israeli.”
--Zionist Union leader Isaac Herzog repudiates the radical right-wing Israelis who, in a wedding dance, called for revenge and stabbed the photo of the murdered Palestinian baby, Ali Dawabsheh.**

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Too many Americans advocate fighting to the last Israeli – I don't!

Please read these important messages from Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann and filmmaker Dror Moreh. We hope you find them compelling, and support our efforts to bring lasting peace for Israel and Palestine. May 2016 bring us closer to this goal.

Todah Rabah,
Americans for Peace Now



Dear Friend,

Why is Jerusalem burning?

I'm usually the opposite of a prophet of doom. Many journalists see peddling the apocalypse of Jerusalem as a fast track to a Pulitzer Prize, so there's a tendency to overstate the city's volatility. But Jerusalem is usually a far more stable city than its reputation. At the beginning of the recent uptick in violence, people were saying, "Ah, this happens every year around the Jewish High Holidays. This is just another perennial round of skirmishing. We see this all the time."

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News Nosh 12.23.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 23, 2015  
Quote of the day:
“Breaking the Silence protects IDF soldiers in the impossible situation in which politicians have abandoned them."
--Former Shin Bet security services chief Ami Ayalon and Israel Police Maj. Gen. (ret.) Alik Ron wrote in an ad they published in Haaretz Hebrew edition.**

You Must Be Kidding: 
“Arguments against land expropriation by the state” are one of the causes of the “Jewish-Arab conflict.”
--Precept of the Education Ministry’s rewritten textbook on civics.***

Yesterday’s ‘You Must Be Kidding’ quote was chosen based on the misunderstanding that the ‘drawing of the knife’ was a sketch of the weapon. However, the ‘drawing’ actually referred to pulling a knife out (as Ynet Hebrew reported), a sadly common incident these days, and therefore unsuitable to be a ‘You Must Be Kidding.’
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News Nosh 12.22.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday December 22, 2015  

Quote of the day:
“You have to accept Israel as a fact, in order to move on and not return to the cycle of losses. The message to the coming generations, especially the Palestinians, is that you have to include presenting the suffering of the Jewish people. Without this, it’s impossible to develop any empathy toward Jews.”
--Samir Kuntar from a fascinating interview with Haaretz from his prison cell in 1995.

You Must Be Kidding: 
A Palestinian woman was detained at a Hebron checkpoint on Monday after she allegedly "drew" a knife at Israeli soldiers, the Israeli army said.

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Peace Now Rally Against Incitement

taped-mouth-closeup175x174Thousands of Israelis, Jews and Arabs, participated in a Peace Now-sponsored march Saturday night, December 19. Starting at the Likud headquarters in Tel Aviv and ending in a rally at the Yitzhak Rabin memorial, marchers demonstrated against the bigotry, intolerance and incitement of Israel’s right wing, targeting progressive organizations and activists. Participants accused Benjamin Netanyahu’s government of setting a belligerent public tone, which inspires and encourages right-wing organizations and pundits to further escalate the discourse.

flag-and-sign320x265Peace Now activists carried signs saying “The Right will not Silence Me,” and “Drive away the Darkness; Stop the Fascism” as well as stickers saying: “I too am Breaking the Silence,” reference to the anti-occupation soldiers’ organization that is currently the target of right-wing attacks.

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Peace Parsha: Targeting Innocents for the Crimes of Others

peace_parsha_logo186x140By APN's intern, Hannah Ehlers

In the last Torah portion of Genesis, Jacob lies on his deathbed. Frail yet determined, he summons his twelve sons, along with Joseph’s children, to his bedside. To some he offers praise and blessings, while others receive chastisement. Two sons in particular, Simeon and Levi, are rebuked for their violent tendencies. Jacob exclaims, “Simeon and Levi are a pair; weapons of violence their kinship… for in their anger they slew men; and when it pleased them, they maimed animals” (Genesis 49: 5-6). Earlier in Genesis, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, had been kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a man in a neighboring town. Simeon and Levi then killed every male in that town and seized all the women, children, livestock, and property as revenge. Simeon and Levi punished the entire town for the crimes of a few.

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