Recommended Reading on Escalation 2015


APN's Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann in the Jerusalem Post: A Divided City (November 11, 2014)

Context from the previous Jerusalem conflagration (October 2014)

Context on Jerusalem (pre-2014)

Podcasts/Interviews/Briefing calls on the 2015 Escalation


Jerusalem expert Daniel Seidemann on intensification of violence


On October 13 2015, Jerusalem expert Daniel Seidemann analyzed the Jerusalem-specific causes for the current intensification of violence. Seidemann is a leading expert on Arab-Jewish relations in Jerusalem. He is the founder and director of Terrestrial Jerusalem.


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News Nosh 10.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday October 13, 2015 
Quote of the day:
The attempt to take control through force over all of Jerusalem led to the violent uprising of young generation of Palestinians and it is doomed to dangerous failure. We must not forget what our real interests in the capital are.”
--Uri Savir, an Israel diplomat and former politician, in today’s Maariv. 

You Must Be Kidding: 
“I think we cannot be indifferent and do nothing regarding the issue that we have an Arab living in the building. I invite you all to come for a meeting to discuss this issue and see what can be done. I’m not rejecting him personally, but I think it’s very important that we know him and check him out.”
--From a flyer posted in a residential building. The surprised young Arab-Israeli resident from Tel Aviv posted the flyer on Facebook and decided to use humor in his post: “Ya, I’m coming with mulukhiyeh (Palestinian national dish) muffins.” Within a short time, the post went viral. (Maariv)
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October 12, 2015 - The Temple Mount and the current wave of violence



This week, Alpher discusses the arguments that the Temple Mount and the al-Aqsa Mosque are at the heart of the current wave of terror that began in Jerusalem and explains what happened; PM Netanyahu's banning both Jewish and Arab members of Knesset from visiting the Mount and, earlier, banning two of the extremist Israeli Islamist movements; why shouldn’t Jews who wish to do so be allowed to pray on the Mount; what Netanyahu’s options are; and sums up the characteristics of the violence now that we are two weeks into this wave and there is no sign of it letting up

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News Nosh 10.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday October 12, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"People came to aid me. They took out their weapons, but I asked them: "Friends, don't shoot (her). The woman is already lying (on the ground). The danger passed."
--Policeman Moshe Chen, who prevented the shooting of a Palestinian attacker who injured him.
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You are probably following with horror the news from Israel and the West Bank.


You are probably following with horror the news from Israel and the West Bank. It’s easy to despair in the face of all the misery. Israelis and Palestinians have been deadlocked in this violent embrace, unable to find a way to separate into two states living side by side in peace and security.

In such times, when there is no political horizon to give us hope, we can find solace in the work of individuals, people on both sides – yes, on both sides – who despite the trouble around them choose to reach out and build bridges.

One such hero is my friend David Broza, the famous Israeli singer-songwriter, who is a committed peace activist and a longtime friend of Israel’s Peace Now movement.

David recently made an album, produced by Steve Earle, devoted to peace, collaborating with Palestinian musicians to build musical bridges to Palestinians in East Jerusalem. His album, and a documentary that tells the story of the making of this album, are now available as a set, exclusively to APN donors like you.

Please read David’s letter below. It will give you hope, and – hopefully – inspiration.

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News Nosh 10.11.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday October 11, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"I don’t want to think that if I hadn’t been there, there would have been no one to protect him. I am deeply right-wing politically, but if we harm innocent people based on their ethnicity – they defeated us.”
--Right-wing religious Jewish man, Maimoun Himi, who saved the life of a young Israeli-Arab man, Abed Jamily, who was being lynched by a mob in Netanya.
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News Nosh 10.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday October 9, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“Transferring responsibility to the citizens of Israel and calls for carrying weapons indicate a loss of control by the government and will lead to total anarchy.”
--Zionist Camp MK Tzipi Livni slams calls by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and some in the police for civilians to carry arms.
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