In recent weeks, an upsurge in violence in Jerusalem has brought the embattled city back into the headlines. According to Danny Seidemann, founder of Terrestrial Jerusalem and one of the leading experts on the city, this violence, boiling at a level unseen in Jerusalem since 1967, actually began over a year ago, and it is not just another spoke in the “cycle of violence.”

“Usually there’s a tendency to overstate the instability of Jerusalem,” Seidemann said at a meeting of journalists and analysts in Washington this week. “But Jerusalem is normally a far more stable city than its reputation. What we are seeing now are significant developments that go well beyond tomorrow’s headlines.”

Seidemann described a dangerous confluence of factors, with the political stalemate creating an atmosphere of despair in which the conflict, which has always been political, will finally become the religious conflict that many have believed, until now incorrectly, that it is. The current conflict centered on the Temple Mount is only the tip of the iceberg. According to Seidemann, “The entire fabric of this conflict has changed.”

“The fighting over the Temple Mount indicates the establishment of a biblical narrative which is already fanning the flames of a religious conflict,” Seidemann said. “It is planting the seeds of the transformation of a political conflict, which can be solved, into a religious conflict which cannot be solved. We are seeing the ascendancy of those faith communities that weaponize faith. We are seeing the marginalization of traditional religious bodies who understand that Jerusalem is best served by the faiths working together.

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News Nosh 10.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 8, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"Netanyahu must know what can calm what is happening on the (Temple) Mount. He knows that the other side completely lost touch with reality and therefore it’s upon Israel (under his lead) to be the responsible adult here. So he's trying to lock the barn. Uri Ariel will have to hold back a few weeks (from visiting again). But why didn’t Netanyahu say that out loud? That could have had a cooling effect on the Arab street, and a cooling effect is what we need now, isn’t it? He doesn’t say it out loud, because he has no one to hide behind. So he whispers, and that's how it appears…"
--Top Maariv political commentator Ben Caspit writes that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hides behind others to make calls his right-wing constituency won't like.**
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Peace Now Settlement Watch News Flash: Settlement-Related Updates Amidst Violence and Tensions

Following the increase in violence attacks and tensions between Israelis and Palestinians we wish to highlight two settlement-related updates with significant short and long term consequences on the reality on the ground:
1. Netanyahu announces intention to build bypass roads in the West Bank (our estimates and a case study of the Lieberman Road showcasing the impact of bypass roads on settlement development)

2.  Pending violent eviction of a Palestinian family in Silwan

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This week, Alpher discusses whether we are witnessing the beginning of a new intifada; how Abbas’s UN General Assembly speech figures into the violence; if there was a prominent message in Netanyahu’s UN speech; if it is possible to draw any conclusions regarding the evolution of Israeli societal values from the appointment of Shin Bet deputy head Roni Alsheich to head the Israel Police; and, with the Russians and Iranians apparently expanding their deployment in Syria, an outline of the emerging strategic picture.


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News Nosh 10.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday October 7, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“The vast majority of the [IDF’s] activity in Judea and Samaria is serious and professional. Anything can be photographed. We have nothing to be ashamed of, even if it doesn’t always look very good.”
--A senior IDF Central Command officer justifies the suspension of a Givati Brigade commander, whose soldiers assaulted two press photographers in the West Bank and broke their cameras.

You Must Be Kidding: 
"Funds that were given illegally must be returned, and those responsible for the allocation should be prosecuted."
--Meretz chairwoman Zehava Gal-On reacts after over government gave $100,000 for infrastructure to a West Bank outpost that has no building permits.
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Press Release: APN Alarmed at Spiraling Israeli-Palestinian Violence; Urges Leaders to Act

Americans for Peace Now (APN) is alarmed at the rapidly spiraling violence in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and calls on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to act to stop the violence and save lives.

Over the weekend, following the murder of an Israeli couple in the West Bank, there was a stabbing and shooting attack in Jerusalem’s Old City. Two people were killed in this attack. Another Israeli, a teenager, was stabbed and lightly injured near the Old City. APN strongly condemns these attacks, sends its condolences to the families of the Israelis who were killed, and wishes full recovery to those injured. 

Following these attacks, West Bank settlers went on a widespread rampage across the West Bank, further fanning the flames of violence and revenge. 

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News Nosh 10.04.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday, October 4, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.
Please note that News Nosh will not be sent Monday, October 5th and Tuesday, October 6th, during the holidays of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. It will resume with full editions starting Wednesday, October 7th.

Quote of the Day:
"No Israeli, either from the left or the right, can stay indifferent to the tragedy and pain caused by the terror attacks of the last few days. Even if we disagree on policy, we stand together in our pain and grief."
-Peace Now’s statement on the on-going violence found on their English-language Facebook page.
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News Nosh 10.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday October 2, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.

Quote of the Day:
"The failure of everyone — Palestinians, Israelis and Americans — to build on the promise of Oslo is a tragedy for all."
-From today’s New York Times editorial
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Press Release: APN Condemns Murderous Shooting Attack in the West Bank

Americans for Peace Now (APN) strongly condemns the brutal murder of two Israelis, husband and wife, in a drive-by shooting attack in the West Bank today. The two were shot dead before their four children, who were in the car with them, and were lightly injured.

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News Nosh 10.01.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday October 01, 2015 
While News Nosh's Israel editor is on vacation during the holidays, we are publishing an abbreviated version produced in Washington and therefore it may be sent later in the day.

Quote of the Day:
"He chose the path of moderation. He agreed to a small Palestinian state alongside Israel. He won the support of America and Europe. He proved his obligation to maintaining security for Israelis. And he got nothing in return. "
-From Menachem Klein’s article for +972 magazine, September 30, The Tragedy of Mahmoud Abbas
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