News Nosh 07.17.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday July 17, 2015
Number of the day:
--Percentage of Israelis who support an Israeli military strike on Iran if that were necessary to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons.**
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APN on the Iran Deal


Take Action to Support the Iran Deal – 6 Things You Can Do to Make a Difference

APN Press Release 9/10: APN Welcomes Senate Vote on Iran Deal

APN Press Release 9/10: APN Urges Congressional Opponents of Iran Deal to Stop Game-Playing

APN Press Release 9/2: APN Applauds 34 Senators Supporting Iran Deal; Urges Opponents to Halt Efforts to Kill the Deal

APN Board member Mark Silverberg in The Cleveland Jewish News 8/27: Why I support the proposed Iran nuclear deal

APN Board member Robert O. Freedman in The Baltimore Sun 8/5: The next 15 years for the U.S. and Israel

APN's Lara Friedman in the Huffington Post 8/14: Cheap Claims of Anti-Semitism Can't Change Reality of Iran Deal Lobbying

APN Board Member Sidney Topol in the Boston Globe 8/12: Listen to the experts and support the Iran deal

APN Board Member Danny Goldberg in the Huffington Post 8/12: My Dad and Chuck Schumer

APN’s Lara Friedman in The Hill, 8/10: Schumer, Engel, et al: Change your position on the Iran deal

APN Board Member Mark Silverberg in the Cleveland Plain Dealer 8/5: Make No Mistake, Iran Nuclear Deal Also Has Key Jewish Support

APN Board members Luis Lainer & Dick Gunther in the LA Jewish Journal 7/29: We Support the Iran Deal

7/13: APN Welcomes Iran Nuclear Agreement, Urges Congress to Support the Deal


The Obama Administration on the Iran Deal


  • The President Speaks on the Iran Nuclear Deal at American University 8/4/15 - video, text

News Nosh 07.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday July 16, 2015
Quote of the day:
"This is a declaration of intentions that strengthens Jerusalem's status as the capital of Israel." 
--Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely added a new guideline requiring heads of state and foreign ministers to visit the Wailing Wall on official visits to Israel.
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Interview with Iran expert Meir Javedanfar

Meir Javedanfar403x403

Interview with Iran expert Meir Javedanfar. An Iranian-born Israeli who co-authored a book on Iran's leadership and teaches courses on contemporary Iranian politics at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Javedanfar is well-positioned to analyze attitudes toward the agreement both in Israel and in Iran. The interview is about 10 minutes long.


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News Nosh 07.15.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday July 15, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Instead of giving the Israelis a realistic account of what happened, he is informing them that a holocaust is on the way. What will the Israelis do with the portions of intimidation he is making them sniff?"
--Top Yedioth political commentator Nahum Barnea writes that Israel will survive the nuclear deal, despite the Prime Minister's fear-mongering.

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Interview with Barbara Slavin, Iran policy expert


Interview with Barbara Slavin, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, an Iran policy expert, on the impact of the new agreement on Iran and on prospects that the new agreement may serve to stimulate reform in Iran, going beyond Iran's nuclear ambitions. The interview is about 8 minutes long.


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PAST ACTION - Tell Congress: Support the Iran Deal


Update: this action, now closed, ran in July 2015. 

On July 14, the Obama Administration, its P5+1 partners, and the government of Iran announced the achievement of an historic agreement over Iran’s nuclear program.

This is a good deal. It is grounded not on trust and goodwill but on far-reaching limitations on Iranian activities and intrusive verification mechanisms. Implementation of this agreement –key elements of which will continue in force for decades – will make Israel, the region and the world more secure. When implemented, this agreement will:

  • Roll back Iran’s nuclear program;
  • Limit Iran’s nuclear activities going forward;
  • Prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon; and
  • Ensure that any effort by Iran to try to “sneak out” towards developing a nuclear weapon will be far more likely to be detected, and the U.S. and international community will be in a far stronger position to respond.
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Interviews on the Iran Deal

Briefing call with Joe Cirincione on the Iran deal


Interview with Joe Cirincione, the President of the Ploughshares Fund and one of Washington's leading experts on the diplomatic efforts to block Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. The interview is about 5 minutes long. It was conducted right after the Iran deal was announced.


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