News Nosh 09.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday September 7, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“But Israel doesn’t realize that in the moral depths, in the lesson from the horrors of the Holocaust, when we recite ‘Never Again,’ it doesn’t mean only 'never again' will anyone dare to do something to the Jews without getting an appropriate Zionist response.”
--TV reporter and Maariv commentator, Udi Segal, writes about the need to be a good neighbor.

You Must Be Kidding: 
--The number of demolition orders pending against Palestinian structures in the part of the West Bank known as Area C, which is under full Israeli control, according to data from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank that was analyzed by the UN.
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This week, Alpher discusses the impact of the Iran nuclear deal on the ongoing chaos in Syria, including diplomatic initiatives; the Saudi role; ambivalence in the US-Turkish approach to Syria; Given Russia's and Iran's apparent willingness to consider compromising on Assad’s rule if the conditions are right, is Assad willing; and where does all this leave Israel.

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News Nosh 09.06.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday September 6, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"Israel is like family, you love it but you also want it to be the best it can be."
--American-Israeli actress Natalie Portman speaks to Ynet at the Jerusalem premier of her latest film.
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Read, listen and watch David Broza



DonateRosh Hashanah, a time of renewal and regeneration for Jews world-wide, is a time to reflect on the fundamental imperatives of our lives and to re-commit to them.

On this Rosh Hashanah, following a year of disappointments, let’s recommit to hope. Not only because we must never lose hope, but because we must kindle it and regenerate it.

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You have probably watched the viral video of the Palestinian women snatching a Palestinian child from the hands of an Israeli soldier, as he was trying to arrest the boy for rock-throwing.

If you missed it, no worries: as long as Israel’s occupation of the West Bank continues, you will have many more opportunities to watch similarly disturbing images. Because as long as the occupation continues, and combat soldiers are sent to police an occupied hostile civilian population, this ugliness is unavoidable.

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News Nosh 09.04.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday September 4, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"From ongoing coverage of your candidacy as prime minister over the years, we have no doubt you are not interested in a public broadcaster that is submissive, and that you believe, as we do, that freedom of the press is one of the bedrocks of an open and democratic society."
--From a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu signed by 15 Israeli diplomatic affairs correspondents, including from the staunchly pro-Netanyahu Israel Hayom daily, after a provision was passed in Knesset late at night when few people were there that prohibited voicing personal views on public broadcast media. 

You Must Be Kidding: 
A Palestinian man, who the IDF arrested and destroyed his house this week, was released on Thursday after a military judge said there was “nothing” in the file against him.
--Family members of Majdi al-Hija from Jenin refugee camp told Haaretz on Thursday that, when the soldiers came to their house, they told the Shin Bet officer with them that there was nobody in it, but he didn’t believe them. They said they asked him to come inside to check for himself but he refused. Then the troops fired missiles at the house, tore it down with a bulldozer and arrested al-Hija, whose wife and five children are now staying at their grandparents' home. Times of Israel wrote that al-Hija was a 'Hamas affiliate' and the son of a Hamas member in Israeli prison.
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News Nosh 09.03.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday September 3, 2015 
Quote of the day:
"So as these little people walked this week into the first classroom of their lives, their starting point was extraordinary...There’s only one thing their parents have not given them: a state that functions, a government that governs, a legislature of stature and a national system that can unite the tribes of Israel and steer the State of Israel and guarantee the future of its 6-year-old future adult citizens."
--Haaretz+ commentator Ari Shavit writes that Israelis cannot continue to live well without ethical politics or a high-quality public sector.

You Must Be Kidding: 
The State of Israel wrote off $76 million in debts that Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Golan Heights owed.
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This morning, the 34th member of the Senate came out in support of the Iran deal – meaning that opponents of the deal will not be able to override a presidential veto of a resolution of disapproval of the deal that GOP leaders in Congress intend to pass in the coming days.

APN President and CEO Debra DeLee commented:

“We applaud the 34 U.S. senators who have come out in support of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – the landmark diplomatic agreement to roll back Iran’s nuclear program and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.  We likewise applaud the more than 80 House members who have come out in support of the Iran agreement.  By doing so, these lawmakers are showing leadership, clear-eyed vision, and courage. They are doing what is right for America and for Israel – supporting a historic diplomatic achievement that has the potential to prevent war, reduce the threat of nuclear proliferation, and, we hope, lead to greater security and stability in the future.

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News Nosh 09.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday September 1, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“Between the headlines and the news that reflect the complex reality, I am encouraged by the joint activities of Palestinians and Jews to save lives, (prevent) cruelty to animals and (to) coexist together."
--Avi Naim, Mayor of Beit Arye settlement, reacts to the joint Palestinian-Israeli operation to save a trapped donkey.
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Editorial Cartoon Roundup

Jul 21, 2015

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, asking what troubles the Prime Minister most: “Existential Threat”


Jun 16, 2015

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, asking who is a Jew ...and who recognizes a Jewish state: “Jews in Glass Houses...”



Mar 31, 2015

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, regarding the formation of Israel's government: “A Bird-in-Hand”


Feb 27, 2015

Last week, we ran our first editorial cartoon, "Messiah Complex." Cartoons have been a hot topic recently because of their power to incite and provoke. We will never be gratuitous with this form of expression—but we do plan to use this medium to incite action and to provoke thought. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, regarding Rawabi, which has been a hot topic in the news this week: “Let Them Eat Ice Cream.”

Pistachio-Rawabi cartoon800x665logo

Feb 17, 2015

Introducing our first editorial cartoon!

Starting this week, APN will be running these cartoons about every other week.

Cartoons have been a hot topic recently because of their power to incite and provoke. We will never be gratuitous with this form of expression—but we do plan to use this medium to incite action and to provoke thought. As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

We hope you like them and we hope you like the first one, aptly named: “Messiah complex.”


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