News Nosh 06.10.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday June 10, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“I am an Arab Israeli, married to a Jewish woman and raising a wonderful family. My wife and I devote all our lives to fulfilling co-existence between Jews and Arabs and it was to that end that we established the Jaffa theater. You cannot expect me to go against my conscience and agree to perform in controversial places. … Don’t force me to act against my will just for the sake of removing this threat.”
--Actor and director of Elmina Theater responds to threats of stopping funding.**
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News Nosh 06.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday June 9, 2015 
Quote of the day:
“Not everyone who can’t stand Benjamin Netanyahu is an anti-Semite, dear Jews. On Sunday, in New York, you deeply shamed us.”
--Top Maariv political commentator Ben Caspit slams the ‘clueless’ American Jews who booed US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.**
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Press Release: APN Welcomes Supreme Court Ruling on Jerusalem

passportAmericans for Peace Now (APN) welcomes the Supreme Court ruling rejecting efforts by Congress and outside groups to wrest control from the Executive Branch over foreign policy-making by legislating the status of Jerusalem in isolation of the context of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

As an American Jewish, Zionist, pro-peace organization, APN was alone in the Jewish organizational world weighing in against the law in question, going so far as to submit an Amicus Brief  to the Supreme Court when it considered the case for the first time in 2011.

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News Nosh 06.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday June 8, 2015
Quote of the day:
"The problem with Glick's arguments for her accusations is that they have no real grasp on reality.”
--Maariv's top political commentator Ben Caspit writes that Jerusalem Post editor Caroline Glick was way off when she accused two former security chiefs of refusing an order to attack Iran.**
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This week, Alpher discusses whether the past week’s BDS developments are a “strategic tsunami;” what does it mean for Israel that a pro-Kurdish party in Turkey has won enough votes to prevent the ruling AK Party from gaining a majority in parliament and President Erdogan from changing the constitution to give himself extensive executive powers; why the death of Tareq Aziz, foreign minister and deputy prime minister under Saddam Hussein, is a significant milestone in today’s Middle East; whether Assad’s regime is really threatened.

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News Nosh 06.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday June 7, 2015
Quote of the day:
“In the interview, aired this past week, Obama posed hope against fear: Netanyahu is offering Israelis fear – fear of Iran, fear of concessions to the Palestinians, fear of change; Obama is offering Israelis hope. I once believed that Fear vs. Hope was the correct equation. The results of the recent election have caused me doubts.”
--Yedioth’s top political commentator Nahum Barnea writes that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is successfully uniting a very significant proportion of the Israeli public against Arabs. Hate vs. Hope.**
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Reasons for Hope

Dear friends,

Debra_DeLee_200x200 In these tough times, I want to share with you a few thoughts that give me hope and that, I believe, will give you hope as well.

President Obama is speaking our language of linking Jewish values to the quest for peace.  In recent days, President Obama has shifted, in a very positive way, his discourse on Israel-Palestine.  Today, he is speaking OUR language – a language that directly connects core progressive Jewish values (OUR values) like democracy, pluralism, equality, tolerance, and peace – with the imperative to achieve a two-state solution that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  He juxtaposes these values with the pernicious policies and practices of Netanyahu and his government(s) – policies and practices that promote not democracy but proto-fascism; not pluralism but racism and divisiveness; not equality but discrimination; not tolerance, but bigotry; not peace, but, rather, ever-deepening occupation.  By shifting to a values-focused discourse, President Obama is today eloquently articulating the strong bond between core American values and progressive Jewish values, and expressing his frustration – and the frustration that exists equally in the hearts of most American Jews – with the growing gap between these values and those that are increasingly manifesting themselves in Israeli public life.

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News Nosh 06.05.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday June 5, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“There is a point that will determine if we are to exist here over time or not, and that is our [ability to] stand up for our rights. Running around, and I won’t use the word ‘pandering,' among powers and asking to be saved is not part of standing up for your rights. If we want to last here over time, we must stand up for our rights.”
--Newly released IDF archive minutes marking the 48th anniversary of the Six Day War today, which reveal how the IDF brass pressured the politicians to authorize an attack.**

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Briefing call with Tom Segev on the 48th anniversary of the Six Day War


Segev_Collage350On June 3, 2015, APN hosted Israeli historian and journalist Tom Segev, the author of 1967: Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East, to discuss the 48th anniversary of the Six Day War and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza that unfolded after the war.

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News Nosh 06.04.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday June 4, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"We cannot bear this victimization policy of yours, Ministers Shaked and Akunis. Calm down, because those who work in the service of this boycott are members of the Netanyahu government. They are those who impose separation on buses and release videos of Arabs 'going in droves' (to the polls) and claim Arabs are playing games."
--Meretz Chairwoman MK Zehava Gal-On slammed back against the MKs who said there was no connection between BDS and the occupation.**  

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