Lara Friedman at Roanoke College - Israel-Palestine Peace Month

On April 1, 2015, Lara Friedman (Director of Policy and Government Relations) participated at the "Israel-Palestine Peace Month" event at Roanoke College. After speaking to a class about the lessons of Passover apply to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Friedman addressed a gathering of over fifty students, faculty, and community members about settlements, the occupation, and the potential for a new U.S. approach to achieving a two-state solution.


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News Nosh 04.17.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday April 17, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"The European consumer will not understand the differences and their psychological response might be to avoid Israeli products."
--Israeli Foreign Ministry officials explain why they oppose EU labeling of settlement products.** 

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PAST ACTION: Tell your Representative to sign letter supporting Iran diplomacy

Update: this action, now closed, ran in April 2015. 

This week, a key Senate committee passed S. 615 – with bipartisan support and the approval of the White House – giving Congress enhanced oversight over any nuclear deal with Iran. That bill is expected to pass quickly into law.

It is urgent that you act TODAY.

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Ernest Moniz in The Washington Post: A nuclear deal that offers a safer world

Ernest Moniz is U.S. energy secretary.

The recent announcement of the Lausanne framework concerning Iran’s nuclear program has stimulated a lively public and political debate. This is an important discussion that the nation deserves to have, and it must be informed by clarity on the specifics of the negotiated technical parameters for a final Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

I joined Secretary of State John F. Kerry’s negotiating team in late February, but throughout the negotiations, leading nuclear experts at the Energy Department and its national labs have been involved in the careful development and thorough evaluation of the technical proposals to help define U.S. positions.

As a result, the key parameters for the agreement that was announced April 2 in Switzerland provide a technically sound path for certifying Iran’s nuclear program as peaceful, quickly determining if it is not and providing the breathing room needed to respond appropriately.

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News Nosh 04.16.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday April 16, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"A further two officials soon joined the group. One of them approached me and asked if I was born in Israel. I nodded.”
--Yedioth reporter Orly Azoulay tells about her visit to Iran and firstly, meeting Iranian passport control officials at the airport, which has since caused an uproar.**

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News Nosh 04.15.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 15, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"They were simply teens that had their hangout spot burned and decided to get revenge."
--Attorneys argued that the Jewish boys who burned a random Palestinian cafe did not break the law.** 

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News Nosh 04.14.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday April 14, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“The day is coming that we won’t be able to express an opinion that is not pro-Likud.”
Channel 2 News presenter Rina Matzliach tweeted that controversial remarks about certain Netanyahu voters by actress Anat Waxman’s were neither horrible, nor racist.**

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Nazis and Kapos and some self-loathing thrown in too.

Debra and Jim

In the lead-up to this year’s Passover holiday, Americans for Peace Now launched a Facebook meme campaign inspired by the words of Peace Now co-founder Galia Golan. We asked that Jews who care about Israel spill some wine in acknowledgement of Israel’s “modern-day plagues”, as is traditionally done during the Seder when reading the ten plagues of Egypt.

The first modern-day plague, “continued settlement building,” was chosen because of the degree to which Israeli settlement expansion damages prospects for peace. The growth of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem threatens to eliminate the possibility of a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians – the only solution that can secure Israel’s future as a democracy and a Jewish state.

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April 13, 2015 - The region and the Palestinian issue




This week, Alpher discusses how religious and tribal wars in Iraq, Syria, Egyptian Sinai, Yemen and Libya, and Obama and Netanyahu being at loggerheads over the Iran nuclear deal affects the Palestinian issue; how these events serve as a legitimate distraction, including the current fighting in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp on the outskirts of Damascus; how they serve as an excuse for Israel to do nothing on the Palestinian issue; what is Qatar doing that should command our interest, including the Gaza aspect; why, despite these tensions, the IDF is facilitating the expansion of PA security forces’ area of responsibility; and April genocide memorials of the HOlocaust and the Armenian genocide, and the exploitation of Israeli fears.


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News Nosh 04.13.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday April 13, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"In a certain way it is very simple. He does not need to convince them. To convince the convinced? He tells them (the word) ‘Arabs' and they come out of their holes."
--Actress Anat Waxman slams racists who voted for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and equates them with the 'Ugly Israeli.'**

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