News Nosh 04.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday April 12, 2015 

Quote of the day:
“You will never hear me say, ‘The IDF is the most moral army in the world.’”
--IDF Maj. Gen. Danny Efroni, the man charged with probing the IDF’s actions during last summer’s Gaza war, says he refuses to adopt the mantra decreed by then-Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz during the Second Intifada [2000-2006].**

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News Nosh 04.09.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

Wednesday April 8, 2015 

Quote of the day:

"...but for some the running event will mean a grind to a halt."

--Haaretz describes how the first 'Bible Marathon,' an Israeli sporting event meant to recreate a Biblical run from modern-day Rosh Ha'ayin to ancient Shiloh, will shut down a major West Bank highway Thursday.**

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Sheldon Adelson puts his money where his mouth is.....

Mark Rosenblum

Written before the elections, our Passover letter noted how wealthy extremists like Sheldon Adelson support programs based on their right-wing values. We ask in our letter how those of us who support peace can do the same. It's time to step up.

In case you missed it, I include our passover message below, as well as a link to Israeli security expert Yossi Alpher's warning against complacency. You do not need to be a billionaire to make a difference; you only need to act!

Mark Rosenblum
Founder, APN

Mark R and Debra

For pro-peace American Jews and Israelis, billionaire Sheldon Adelson is the object of both fear and scorn.

He’s certainly an easy target. Crass and richer than Croesus, he seems to get a blank check for irresponsible remarks, such as calling the Palestinians “an invented people” and advocating a preemptive nuclear strike against Iran. He has made it his mission to thwart a peace deal that would bring a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

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News Nosh 04.08.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 8, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"...but for some the running event will mean a grind to a halt."
--Haaretz describes how the first 'Bible Marathon,' an Israeli sporting event meant to recreate a Biblical run from modern-day Rosh Ha'ayin to ancient Shiloh, will shut down a major West Bank highway Thursday.**

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PAST ACTION - Tell Your Senators: Reject Anti-Diplomacy Iran Bills

Update: this action, now closed, ran in April 2015. 

  • On April 2, the Obama Administration and its P5+1 partners announced an historic framework agreement with Iran, aimed at preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
  • Since then, opponents of Iran diplomacy and a deal – both in the United States and Israel – have doubled down on efforts to use Congress to scuttle diplomacy and undermine the possibility of getting to, and implementing, a final agreement with Iran.
  • Senators are being pressured to support S. 615 – and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is set to pass this bill on April 14.  In its current form, the bill includes a number of poison pill provisions that will undermine diplomacy and likely kill a deal.  These include provisions to delay implementation of a deal, legislate a congressional veto of a deal, strip the president of existing waiver authorities, and impose conditions for U.S. adherence to a deal that are unrelated to Iran’s nuclear program.
  • Senators are also being urged to support S. 269, which seeks to legislate new Iran sanctions that would be triggered if no deal with Iran is reached.
  • Both bills are entirely unnecessary.  Passage of either bill risks undermining the ongoing diplomacy with the P5+1 and killing a deal – leaving the U.S. isolated and bringing the U.S. closer to the point where it will be forced to choose between a nuclear-armed Iran and another Middle East war.

Tell your Senators: Give diplomacy every possible chance to work – Reject S. 269 & S. 615

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Reclaiming U.S. Leadership, Reclaiming Israel’s Future: A Call to Action

For his entire career – including three previous terms in office as Prime Minister – Benjamin Netanyahu has consistently acted to subvert Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and undermine the two-state solution. He has done so through the promotion of settlements, the laundering of illegal outposts, and various other policies that have expanded and deepened the occupation across the West Bank and in East Jerusalem. Many hoped that Netanyahu’s verbal embrace of the two-state solution in his 2009 Bar-Ilan speech marked a turning point, and that his rhetorical nods to the Arab Peace Initiative signaled an openness to a broader agreement with the Arab world. Netanyahu’s actions and policies, however, have consistently belied his words, demonstrating unequivocally that he remains committed not to achieving peace, but to implementing an expansionist, “Greater Israel” agenda.

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News Nosh 04.07.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday April 7, 2015 

Quote of the day:
"No time was devoted to educating toward peace; and no enhanced studies of civics or humanistic values were initiated. Political education? No such thing."
--Ruth Feriel writes in Haaretz+ why Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was re-elected.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: March 20 - March 27, 2015

LA Jewish Journal - March 25, 2015
APN Board Member Dick Gunther: Why I continue to support peace


Los Angeles Times - March 22, 2015
Peace Now's Hagit Ofran: Pressure will be imperative to curtail next government's settlement construction intentions


April 6, 2015 - The Iran nuclear agreement



This week, Alpher discusses the positive aspects of the agreement announced in Lausanne last week from Israel’s standpoint; Netanyahu's response; what the agreement’s drawbacks are where Israel can make a case for a tougher approach; if the Iran agreement could affect Netanyahu’s coalition calculations; and is Netanyahu more likely now to be pressured by Obama and Kerry on the Palestinian issue.


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News Nosh 04.06.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday April 6, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Don't be slavin’, just Nosh."
--Chorus of song by Jewish a cappella group Six13, from their Passover parody of popular “Uptown Funk.”** ;)

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