Call for Entries: Art for Peace in the Middle East


In ongoing conflict zones, art has been used as a mechanism to bridge societal gaps and facilitate communication between separated communities and amongst a broken society. This collection of writings and art intends to show the reader that there are innocent civilians on both sides of the conflict, experiencing similar war traumas and desires for peace. It is easy to take one side and hold steady and unwavering, while it is much harder to put yourselves in the shoes of the “other”. This publication intends to put the reader in the shoes of every writer; of Palestinians, of Israelis, of all those who have experienced trauma as a result of this ongoing and long-standing conflict. How have you been affected by the conflict in Israel & the Palestinian territories? Would you like your voice to be heard? You are invited to submit your entry of a poem, short story, and/or visual art  (150 -500 words) to be considered for publication in Art for Peace in the Middle East, a collection of short stories, poems, and visual art that side by side will show the human side of the conflict.

This is the first edition of Art for Peace and is being organized by Taylor Rockoff, a graduate student of International Development at American University in Washington DC. Her concentration is education and conflict resolution. As an American Jew, her studies of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict has motivated her to create this project, which she hopes will allow the voices of Palestinians and Israelis to be heard and understood as neighbors rather than enemies. This will be published online and subsequently published in print, used in events focusing on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and peace-building in DC and abroad. It will be used as an educational mechanism for those involved and vested in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from abroad, whether by religious affiliation or political motivation, to understand the conflict from a human rather than political perspective.

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News Nosh 04.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday April 2, 2015

Note: News Nosh will be off for part of Passover holiday. There will be no Nosh tomorrow April 3, Sunday April 5th and April 9-12. News Nosh will be back on Monday April 13th. 

Quote of the day:
"The first stage in this necessary process is to tear down the walls that divide us. This begins with each of us learning the Other's story – Arabs learning the story of the Jews, Jews learning the story of the Arabs."
--Posted on Facebook in the name of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who also 'announced' that for this task he has appointed Arab MK and leader of the Joint List, Ayman Oudeh, as Education Minister. However, it was an April Fool’s joke.**

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Right reacts to APN Facebook campaign


Traditionally, during the Seder, Jews spill some of the wine from our cups while reading the ten plagues, symbolizing reduced joy at the suffering of others. This week, in honor of the upcoming holiday, APN is offering suggestions of modern plagues to add to the traditional list: plagues that affect Israel today.

From the very first plague posted Monday, regarding the expansion of settlements, there has been an outcry from extremists who claim that APN is comparing other Jews or settlers to a plague. It is not surprising that these extremists would want to misdirect attention from the very real obstacle that settlement expansion poses to establishing peace for Israel, and to the very real suffering that settlement growth will cause to both Israelis and Palestinians who long for a peaceful future and an end to occupation. However, contrary to the right's assertions, APN does not refer to settlers as a "plague" and has never done so. Our problem is not with the settlers as a collective but with the Israeli government's policy of expanding settlements. We believe that it is severely threatening Israel's future as a democracy and a Jewish state.

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News Nosh 04.01.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday April 1, 2015

Quote of the day:
"As a parent, it shocks me that such a thing is distributed in the public education system.”
-- Ofir Spiegler reacts to an unusually censored Haggadah given to kindergarten children in Kiryat Tivon.**

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"A Bird-in-Hand" - APN Editorial Cartoon

As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. This is our aim: to make people think and to act for peace.

This week, we bring you a new cartoon, regarding the formation of Israel's government: “A Bird-in-Hand”


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News Nosh 03.31.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 31, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Land Day symbolizes more than anything the exclusion, complacency, and discrimination against the Arab minority, which will continue to fight for its basic rights."
--MK Ahmed Tibi of the Joint List speaking at the quiet marking of Land Day in Rahat.**

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On Passover: Spill some wine...

Galia Golan

The essence of Passover is a promise for a better future through the transformation of an entire people from slavery to freedom. This idea has sustained us, the Jewish people, for centuries.

In the wake of Israel’s recent elections we must find a way to cope with the policies of Israel’s re-elected prime minister which offer us little promise and hope.

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This week, Alpher discusses how significant is it that Saudi Arabia has put together a ten-nation Sunni coalition to fight Iran-backed Zaidi-Shiite forces in Yemen; how does one explain Saudi and Egyptian alarm, given that Yemen is a poor, dysfunctional backwater parts of which are virtually unconquerable due to geography; what is unusual about the participation of Turkey, Qatar and Sudan in the Saudi-led coalition; if a joint Arab army is a serious proposition; what the Saudi-led war effort has accomplished thus far and what strategic challenges remain; if a Saudi-Iranian proxy war could spread elsewhere in the Middle East; if there is really solid evidence of Iranian participation on the side of the Houthis in Yemen; the Israeli angle to the Yemen struggle; and if there is a Palestinian angle.

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News Nosh 03.30.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 30, 2015

Quote of the day:
"After scaring us for a generation over the final catastrophe that will be here when that happens, here it is happening, and at that very second he will have to start calming us down. Otherwise, he will remain here alone. Let's see if he is as good at calming, as he is at terrifying."
--Maariv's political commentator Ben Caspit writes about what Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu can do the day after an Iran nuclear agreement is signed.**

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News Nosh 03.29.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 29, 2015

Quote of the day:
"However, within the framework of the maneuvers – and with no immediate security need – the Palestinian residents become extras who are not asked whether they want to take part in the dress rehearsal, and receive no warning of what is about to take place."
--Haaretz+ military affairs analyst Amos Harel accompanies IDF soldiers on a training maneuver in a Palestinian village.**

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