APN's Rabbi Alana Suskin at Temple Rodef Shalom, March 29, 2pm


Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Sunday, March 29 at 2:00 PM


Rabbi Alana Suskin spoke about the prospects for peace following Israel's elections, the work of Peace Now in Israel and what the challenges are at this time, and what, as American Jews, our role can be in helping Israel achieve peace and security with her neighbors

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News Nosh 03.27.15

APN's daily news review from Israel

Friday March 27, 2015


Quote of the day:

"I frankly do not know if it is already too late."
--Outgoing Middle East Envoy Robert Serry calls on the UN Security Council to intervene to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations for a two-state solution.**

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News Nosh 03.26.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 26, 2015

Quote of the day:
"He who fears the votes in the ballot boxes will end up with stones thrown in the streets."
--Israeli President Reuven Rivlin gave another jab at Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the latter's 'Arabs are voting in droves' statement on Election Day.**

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News Nosh 03.25.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday March 25, 2015

Quote of the day:
"I don't think that a student can reach deep into the Israeli educational system when 20 percent of the students have an ethos, a specific story, and he does not know that story."
Former education minister Shay Piron said he supported teaching the Nakba - the Arabic word for "catastrophe," which the Palestinians use to refer to Israel's War of Independence - to all Israeli students.**

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APN's Ori Nir will be speaking on a panel discussion with Gabriel Scheinmann at Goucher Hillel, 7pm on March 25th




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lara-at-JStreet320x265There were only a handful of Israeli settlers beyond the Green Line in 1968, when Lyndon Johnson became the first American president to express opposition to settlements in the West Bank. Now, despite protest from every subsequent administration, there are more than 350,000 Israelis living in the West Bank and 200,000 in East Jerusalem. President Johnson’s prediction that settlements would “prejudice a peace settlement” has come true, as the dramatic rise of the settler movement—in both numbers and political power—has complicated repeated efforts to achieve a two-state solution.

In this panel at J Street's 2015 conference, APN's Lara Friedman, together with other experts on American and European policy explored what steps can be taken to halt further settlement growth and entrenchment, and discuss the political and policy implications of American and European initiatives—from discouragement of Israeli settlement subsidies to the labeling or boycott of settlement goods.

Watch to see  Lara Friedman, together with Michael Cohen of the Boston Globe and Alon Sachar of the US State Department, with Steve Krubiner, J Street's Chief of staff,  moderating.  Aviva Meyer, Deputy Chair of APN, introduces the participants. Session begins at 10:35.

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News Nosh 03.24.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday March 24, 2015

Quote of the day:
"We won the votes of 90% of Israeli Arabs, but Netanyahu wants to cherry pick." 
--Chairman of the Joint (Arab) List, Ayman Oudeh, said after Netanyahu 'apologized' to Israeli Arabs, but didn't invite the people they elected, i.e. the targets of his race-baiting call on Election Day.**

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News Nosh 03.23.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday March 23, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Welcome to the nightmare that we woke up to...It has become dangerous here. We are on a slippery slope. The Prime Minister must stop this."
--Left-wing Israeli singer Ahinoam Nini said after being verbally attacked upon her arrival at Ben-Gurion Airport.**

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March 23, 2015 - Israeli election aftermath: US-Israel relations


This week, Alpher discusses lessons learned by Israel's center-left following its defeat to Netanyahu; Low likelihood of a Netanyahu-Herzog unity government; The state of US-Israel relations following Netanyahu's statements on the two-state solution and on Arab citizens' voting. 

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News Nosh 03.22.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 22, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Don’t cry when your children die in the next military campaign...You again elected the leader who promises us death and not life, fear and not hope."
--Israeli author Yehonatan Geffen wrote on Facebook following the elections and on Friday he was attacked at his home.**

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