News Nosh 03.15.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday March 15, 2015

Quote of the day:
"If I say yes, will Israel impose restrictions on all flafel (sic) and hummus ingredients?"
--Hamas activist in Gaza, Rawhi Mushtaha answers a Twitter Q&A question from Aaron Shiloh, a doctor from Philadelphia, about whether falafel and hummus were served in the Gaza tunnels.**

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APN/Peace Now in the News: March 6 - March 13, 2015

New York Times - March 12, 2015
Major NYT expose on Netanyahu's settlement policy uses Peace Now as chief source and quotes Peace Now's Hagit Ofran


Washington Post - March 6, 2015
Magazine piece profile and interview with APN Board Member Sara Ehman (and others)


Washington Jewish Week - March 11, 2015
Interview with Yossi Alpher, analyst for APN


Washington Jewish Week - March 13, 2015
APN urges Hillel's president to reconsider canceling his J Street appearance

Israeli Elections: Initial Analysis with Yossi Alpher 3/18, Noon

Israeli Elections: Initial Analysis
Briefing call Wednesday, March 18th, 12 noon, Eastern Time
With Israeli Security Expert Yossi Alpher

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. He is the former director of the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University, a former senior official with the Mossad, and a former IDF intelligence officer.

Listen to the analysis HERE.

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News Nosh 03.13.15

APN's special Israeli election polls review
Friday March 13, 2015

Quote of the day:
"We will respond to the last post Bibi made before Sabbath and we will tell him sweet goodbye words."
--Israelis prepare to part from Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a Facebook event.**

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It is safe to say that in the past two years construction starts for approximately 5,000 housing units took place in the settlements. This huge jump in construction starts took place, according to the CBS, mainly in the beginning of 2013, whereas in Peace Now’s data it was reflected only in 2014.

On March 10, 2015 the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS or CBS) published the number of construction starts for 2014. According to the CBS, 1,344 new housing units started to be built in the settlements in 2014 and 2,829 units in 2013. Peace Now, who conducted a count of all construction starts based on aerial photos, reported a higher figure for 2014 (3,100 housing units) and lower one for 2013 (2,243 housing units). So how much was actually built?

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New video: Pre-election analysis with Israeli political reporter Tal Schneider


With less than a week before Israelis go to the polls, Israel's leading political blogger Tal Schneider spoke with APN's Ori Nir about the pre-election trends and about what she would be looking for on election night. Tal's English language blog is here:




Israel Elections: What to Expect -- with Tal Schneider from Americans for Peace Now on Vimeo.

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May Leonard Nimoy's memory always be a blessing....

Nimoy Header

Letty Cottin PogrebinAfter my dear friend Leonard Nimoy died recently, I was reminded of the time in 2011 when I first introduced him to Americans for Peace Now-- a shiddach worth celebrating. What was born of this relationship was a fundraising letter that he enthusiastically endorsed.

In my March 4th tribute to Leonard published in Tablet, I noted, "When I've asked other celebrities to sign a petition, ad, or call to action—whether about peace or women's issues—they usually want to know who else is signing; they need cover; they need time to consult their friends, managers, or agents to be sure they're not risking their public image. Not Leonard. He simply read the suggested draft, tweaked a few sentences, then put his name to the letter, which closed with a plea for a tax-deductible contribution to APN -- and the inside Spock joke, "Dare I say it? It's the logical thing to do."

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News Nosh 03.12.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday March 12, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Something isn’t going the way it should. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last week should have created a turning point for us and strengthened Likud in the polls. It’s clear that we didn’t achieve the desired outcome.”
--One of many senior figures in Likud who told media that they are afraid Likud will lose the elections.**

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Eight things to look for on Israel’s election night

1)      Where and when to follow election results and analysis?

 If you are not a Hebrew speaker and are not going to tune in to online broadcasts of Israeli radio (Reshet Bet; Galei Tzahal)  or television (Channel 1; Channel 2; Channel 10), you can start following exit polls and real results as of 10:00 PM Israel time (4:00 PM EST) on Tuesday, March 17 on Israeli English language web sites (Haaretz; The Times of Israel; Ynet; Jerusalem Post; i24)  as well as on APN’s twitter accounts, available through our web site.  Votes are typically counted quickly. A good picture of election results should be available before midnight EST.


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Israel Elections 2015

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