PAST ACTION- Tell Speaker Boehner to reschedule Netanyahu's speech before Congress

Update: this action, now closed, ran from January-March 2015. 

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ohio Republican John Boehner, has issued an invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on March 3.

Speaker Boehner issued this invitation without coordinating with the White House, in violation of protocol – but he violated much more than that.

By inviting Netanyahu to speak to Congress only two weeks before Israeli general elections in which Netanyahu is a candidate, Boehner violated the unwritten rule that Congress not meddle in a foreign county’s elections. But that’s not all.

Speaker Boehner has made clear that his goal in inviting Netanyahu at this time is to try to tip the balance in Congress against the White House in the ongoing debate over Iran nuclear negotiations and new Iran sanctions. Boehner’s move to use Israel, yet again, as a wedge issue in internal American politics, is inappropriate and irresponsible, violating the cardinal rule that U.S. support for Israel should not be turned into a partisan issue. Boehner’s invitation also represents a shameless attempt to exploit support for Israel to manipulate Congress into adopting policies that are potentially deeply harmful to U.S. national security and national interests.

Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu has drawn criticism, bafflement, and outrage from across the spectrum – in the US, in Israel and around the world. The pro-Israel, pro-U.S., pro-peace in the Middle East position on this mess is clear: Boehner’s invitation to Netanyahu must be rescinded, and if Netanyahu is to be invited to address Congress, it should be on a date after the Israeli elections and after the Iran negotiations/sanctions debate between Congress and the White House has been completed.

We urge you: take action today. Contact Speaker Boehner urging him to rescind his invitation to Netanyahu and reschedule any Netanyahu address to Congress for a different date.

Even if you’re not a constituent, Rep. Boehner, as Speaker of the House, still needs to hear from you

It is critical that Boehner understand that Americans everywhere object to his action.  Call his office at (202) 225-0600.  Tell Speaker Boehner: “As a supporter of Israel, I want you to re-issue your invitation for the prime minister of Israel to address Congress for a later date – a date that is after negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program have concluded and after elections in Israel are complete and a new government is formed.”

After you have called Speaker Boehner, please click here to share this action.

Action Alert: Tell Speaker Boehner to reschedule Netanyahu's speech before Congress

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ohio Republican John Boehner, has issued an invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on March 3.

Speaker Boehner issued this invitation without coordinating with the White House, in violation of protocol – but he violated much more than that.

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Peace parsha: Broken open, and not apart

peace_parsha_logo_186x140Rabbi Esther L. Lederman is the associate rabbi of Temple Micah, in Washington, DC.  She travelled to Israel this December. 


Before I left for Israel on a quick trip this past December, I told a colleague, “I am going to have my heart broken.”  It had been six years since I had visited.  Way too long, in my opinion.  So off I went, expecting to return even more depressed about the state of affairs than when I left.  I was wrong. 

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News Nosh 01.29.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 29, 2015

Quote of the day:
“Even if the leaders of the state and the army believed that implementing this policy would bring about the cessation of firing on Israeli communities, it should not have been implemented because of the expected and horrific consequences."
--B'tselem finds that more than 70% of the people killed in IDF airstrikes on Gazan homes during Operation Protective Edge - were children, women and the elderly.

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News Nosh 01.28.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday January 28, 2015

Quotes of the day:
"Landau was the truest of Zionists, a lover of Israel to his core: not only because of his decision to come on aliyah but because he adored Israel and prayed for its welfare each day. He thought of it as a sick patient in dire need of an urgent operation that could save it, but for the shortsighted stubbornness of its leaders."
--Haaretz's Chemi Shalev writes about the man who gave him his first reporting job.**
"He was an Orthodox editor of a secular newspaper; British to his soul, editor of a Hebrew newspaper; he was a radical Zionist and a no less radical leftist, some of whose family lived in settlements, settlements that he regarded as a disaster."
--Haaretz's Gideon Levy writes about his unusual editor-in-chief who passed away yesterday.****

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Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic: The Netanyahu Disaster

The Israeli prime minister has two main tasks, and he's failing at both.

Benjamin Netanyahu believes he has just one job, and that is to stop Iran from getting hold of nuclear weapons. He might argue that this description of his mission as Israel’s prime minister is too limiting, though such an argument would not be particularly credible. Israel’s very existence, he has argued, consistently, and at times convincingly, is predicated on stopping Iran, a country ruled by a regime that seeks both Israel’s annihilation and the means to carry it out.

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APN Statement on Palestinians' International Criminal Court (ICC) Membership and Activity

In light of the Palestinian decision to seek membership in the International Criminal Court (ICC), and to pursue action in that body, and consistent with APN’s longstanding Board-adopted principles regarding the efforts of the Palestinians in the international arena, APN today articulated the following principles, adopted earlier this month by APN’s Board of Directors:


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News Nosh 01.27.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday January 27, 2015

Numbers of the day:
--Number of mandates for Herzog-Livni 'Zionist Camp' party vs. Likud in latest elections poll.**

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This week, Alpher discusses the repercussions of the invitation to Netanyahu to address Congress; the Mossad advisory against escalating sanctions and Israel’s tactics against Iran; the attack last week across the Golan border that was attributed to Israel that resulted in the death of an Iranian Quds Force general; strategic ramifications for the elections given the united electoral list of Arab citizens of Israel and the Labor primaries having produced a list with an unusually large, young contingent of women reform advocates; the strategic balance sheet that King Salman inherits after the death of Saudi King Abdullah last week and a coup staged in Yemen by a Zaidi-Shiite sect;

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News Nosh 01.26.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday January 26, 2015

Quote of the day:
“Hello everybody, this Druze is my little brother and I wanna send you all a message after some thinking 
Love more
Be more patient
Be nicer
Be kinder
Give more
Share more
Laugh more
And cry more
After all, we all belong to the same race, the human race..."

--Adam Hasoun, brother of Tommy, who was beaten Friday by 10 religious Jewish men in Jerusalem when they heard him speaking Arabic, posted a message to English-speaking immigrants on a Tel-Aviv Facebook group.**

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