News Nosh 01.05.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday January 5, 2015

Number of the day:
--Number of Israelis who renounced their citizenship in 2014, a 65% increase over the previous year.**

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News Nosh 01.04.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
 Sunday January 4, 2015

Number of the day:
--The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza from Operation Protective Edge, newly revised following the discovery of bodies under rubble and the deaths of wounded.**
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APN Israel Study Tour 2015

collageI have written to you in past years to alert you to Americans for Peace Now’s annual Israel study tour, which I lead. These tours focus on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts to resolve it, and examine Israel’s security and diplomatic challenges, as well as the situation on the Palestinian side.

This year’s tour is different. For one thing, it takes place earlier than the usual – April 25 to April 30 – which means that time for registration is short.

The timing of this year’s tour gives us a unique opportunity to observe Israeli society right after general elections, as a new government coalition takes shape, and with it new policies – for better or worse. By the time we start our tour, five weeks after the March 17 general elections, we should expect a government coalition to have been formed and maybe even sworn in. Considering the importance of these elections, and regardless of their results, the period following the elections will be pivotal for Israel’s future as is the ever-revolving Middle Eastern regional kaleidoscope.

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News Nosh 01.02.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday January 2, 2015

Quote of the day:
"Corruption is when a politician uses public funds to deliver pistachio ice cream to his home and transfer garden furniture to his Caesarea villa, then requests that the expenses be covered for the water in his pool and fights to get a private jet."
--Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid launches a personal attack on the Prime Minister.**

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News Nosh 01.01.15

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday January 1, 2015

Quote of the day:
"The Palestinian issue was and remains the number one problem of Israel, and it will also be an important challenge, possibly the existential one, of Israel in 2015."
--Maariv's security analyst Yossi Melman sums up Israel's security challenges of 2014, writing that Hamas is no longer a terror organization and that without a peace agreement two things can happen - and neither of them is good.**

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April 25-30 are the dates for this year's tour, a spring tour, based out of Tel Aviv. 


Participants will explore Israel and the West Bank, focusing on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts to resolve it.

This year, we are planning some new programming with a special emphasis on Israel’s policy path following its March 17 general elections.

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What do you want 2015 to look like?

Which vision is your Israel?

Dear Friend,


What is your vision for 2015?

Those of us who care about Israel know that the coming year will be a critical one in determining Israel’s future character. Will Israel pursue the xenophobic vision of the nationalistic extreme-right? Or will it pursue a progressive vision, reflecting the values of its majority -- Jewish values of peace,  pluralism, and democracy?

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APN/Peace Now in the News: December 12, 2014 - December 19, 2014

Philadelphia Inquirer - December 14, 2014
APN's Ori Nir quoted in Trudy Rubin's column on Israeli elections


Associated Press - December 15, 2014
Peace Now's Lior Amihai: Significant growth in settlement construction under Netanyahu


San Diego Jewish World - December 15, 2014
APN press release on UN Action reprinted in its entirety

Israel’s policy of perpetual occupation is already causing an increase in animosity toward the Jewish people and their state. Perpetuating this policy fosters the beginning of an anti-Israel movement – from within and without the state – that will be difficult to reverse.

Casino tycoon and right-wing political patron Sheldon Adelson has finally spoken to the existential issue of Israeli democracy absent a Palestinian state. Many observers were shocked by the multi billionaire, hard-liner's recent statement proclaiming, "Israel isn’t going to be a democratic state – so what?”

While I passionately oppose Adelson's views, his remarks provided clarity by openly acknowledging that a binational Jewish state would not be a democracy, an obvious consequence largely ignored by the Israeli right wing.

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News Nosh 12.31.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 31, 2014

Number of the day:
4 million.
--The amount of shekels approved by the Foreign Ministry to pay a Likud-members-led nonprofit company called Faces of Israel to host overseas visitors “with influence” and “explain the legitimacy of Zionism and the State of Israel as the nation of the Jewish people" - i.e. the Foreign Ministry’s job.**

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