News Nosh 12.23.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday December 23, 2014

Number of the day:
Percent of Israel's children who live in poverty.

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Roger Cohen in The New York Times: What Will Israel Become?

JERUSALEM — Uneasiness inhabits Israel, a shadow beneath the polished surface. In a violent Middle Eastern neighborhood of fracturing states, that is perhaps inevitable, but Israelis are questioning their nation and its future with a particular insistence. As the campaign for March elections begins, this disquiet looks like the precursor of political change. The status quo, with its bloody and inconclusive interludes, has become less bearable. More of the same has a name: Benjamin Netanyahu, now in his third term as prime minister. The alternative, although less clear, is no longer unthinkable.

“There is a growing uneasiness, social, political, economic,” Amos Oz, the novelist, told me in an interview. “There is a growing sense that Israel is becoming an isolated ghetto, which is exactly what the founding fathers and mothers hoped to leave behind them forever when they created the state of Israel.” The author, widely viewed as the conscience of a liberal and anti-Messianic Israel, continued, “Unless there are two states — Israel next door to Palestine — and soon, there will be one state. If there will be one state, it will be an Arab state. The other option is an Israeli dictatorship, probably a religious nationalist dictatorship, suppressing the Palestinians and suppressing its Jewish opponents.”

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This week, Alpher discusses Jordan's draft resolution to the UN Security Council regarding Palestinian statehood; last week's request from Tzipi Livni to Secretary Kerry to delay the UNSC vote and thereby keep the Palestinian statehood issue off Israel's election agenda lest this generate more votes for the Israeli political right and whether this makes sense; whether there is still an Israeli consensus against UN intervention in the conflict; and why last week's firing of a rocket from the Gaza Strip at an Israeli community on the Gaza periphery was cited by a number of Israeli security commentators and authorities as a step toward renewed escalation of fighting between Israel and Hamas.

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News Nosh 12.22.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday December 22, 2014

Quote of the day:
“Even if they are carrying a knife, it’s not to attack, but for ‘defense’ along the way."
--IDF reveals that the number of Gazans trying to leave the Strip and infiltrate into Israel since the devastating summer war rose 25% and the purpose is not to attack Israelis.**

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News Nosh 12.21.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday December 21, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Whoever thinks that military deterrence is the route to peace and quiet for the Gaza bordering regions doesn't understand that wars are won by diplomats."
--Haim Yellin, Head of the Eshkol Regional Council, where a rocket from Gaza fell in an open field.**

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The Company We Keep


Dear Friend,

It’s not too late to make your year-end tax deductible gift to support Americans for Peace Now. Your donation enables Peace Now and APN to do everything we do. It helps us in our efforts, in Israel and the U.S., to marshal support for positions and actions that advance the cause of peace and the two-state solution. It empowers us to work through education, activism and advocacy at all levels — from the grassroots to policymakers. It enables us to be beacons supporting what is right, without concern for what is politically easier or organizationally advantageous. It lets us speak truth to the powers that would hide it.

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News Nosh 12.19.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday December 19, 2014

Quote of the day:
“I invited the President to the graduation ceremony of Moran and Inbar in a few years, but I suggested he come before that to play basketball with the school’s men’s team. He asked, ‘Are they good?’ I said they were excellent and he reacted with a big smile.”
--Rebecca Bardach, Yad B’Yad (Jewish-Arab) School employee and mother of two children at the school, who was invited to light Hannukah candles at the White House with two of the school’s 9th graders, following the arson attack on the school.**

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News Nosh 12.18.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday December 18, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Our biggest problem is that the Europeans have stopped talking with us, and have started talking about us."
--Israeli diplomatic source tells Ynet following string of string of diplomatic blows Israel suffered yesterday.**

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News Nosh 12.17.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday December 17, 2014

Word of the day:
--Official title given Tuesday by government of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to some 150 Jewish Iranians who fell in the Iran-Iraq War.**

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The New York Times: Signs of Recognition

LONDON — Parliaments across Europe — in Britain, Spain, France, Ireland and now the European Parliament — are acting to preserve the prospect of peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians. They seek recognition of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders as a contribution to a negotiated peace, not a substitute for it.

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