A Scene of Desecration: Rabbi Yehiel Greniman on Al Mughayir’s Burned Mosque

The following post by Rabbi Yehiel Grenimann of Rabbis for Human Rights was originally posted on RHR's web site on November 14, 2014, and is reprinted here by permission from the author.

 A mosque was badly arsoned, presumably by Jewish extremists, in the early hours of November 12 2014 in the village of Al Mughayir. About a month prior, another mosque, in a different Palestinian village in the Occupied Territories, was also burned. Rabbi Yehiel Grenimann of RHR visited the mosque in Al Mughayir and writes of his shock at the severity of the arson.

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Peace Parsha: If this is so, then why am I?

peace parsha feature 1 logo"The children struggled in her womb, and she said, 'If this is so, then why am I?'" -- Genesis 25:22

We read in this week's Torah portion that even in the womb, Rebecca's children Jacob and Esau quarreled. And their perennial struggle brought her to an existential outcry: if this is so, then why am I? If this is the only possibility for my sons, she seems to be saying, then my motherhood -- even my whole existence -- feels called into question. If fighting is all there is, then what's the point?

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APN/Peace Now in the News: November 7, 2014 - November 14, 2014

Jerusalem Report (JPost's magazine) - November 11, 2014
APN's Lara Friedman and Daniel Seidemann: Underlying cause of current crisis is dysfunctional Israeli rule in East Jerusalem

Times of Israel - November 12, 2014
Peace Now's Lior Amihai condemns new planned construction in East Jerusalem

John Hopkin's Newsletter - November 13, 2014
APN's Ori Nir and ATFP's Ghaith Al-Omari speak at Johns Hopkins University

November 17, 2014 - Jerusalem, Gaza and the Shin Bet, new elections? -and more


This week, Alpher discusses the meeting last week between Secretary of State John Kerry, King Abdullah II and PM Netanyahu, and whether that meeting signals a new departure in Israeli-Palestinian and Israel-Arab relations regarding Jerusalem; the talk of new elections in Israel brought on by the government's lack of cohesiveness; how the current borders of the "united" Jerusalem come about and what the rationale was, and whether it is still valid; and why the Shin Bet, an internal security service, is still responsible for intelligence regarding Gaza, from which Israel withdrew in 2005.

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News Nosh 11.17.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday November 17, 2014

Quote of the day:
"If you ask why the right wing wins, the answer is because it has convinced the vast majority of the collective that its material interest dictates the oppression of the other."
--Haaretz+ commentator Oudeh Basharat discusses a Yedioth poll that asked readers whether they thought Israel should put a closure on the West Bank.**

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News Nosh 11.16.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday November 16, 2014

Quote of the day:
"There is a place for criticism, but whoever is not committed to the principles of the corps - I will assist him in being released (from the corps)."
--Border Police Commander Amos Yaakov tells Border Policemen hints disapproval of the campaign against the Border policeman arrested on suspicion of murdering two Palestinian protesters.**

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News Nosh 11.16.14

APN's daily news review from Israel

Sunday November 16, 2014

Quote of the day:

"There is a place for criticism, but whoever is not committed to the principles of the corps - I will assist him in being released (from the corps)."
--Border Police Commander Amos Yaakov tells Border Policemen hints disapproval of the campaign against the Border policeman arrested on suspicion of murdering two Palestinian protesters.**

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Barbara Slavin of the Atlantic Council and al-Monitor briefing call on Iran


On November 14 2014, APN hosted Barbara Slavin of the Atlantic Council and al-Monitor.com, an expert on Iran, for a briefing call on the deal brewing between Teheran and the international community, as they approach the November 24 deadline for a comprehensive solution to Iran's nuclear program.

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APN Board member Jo-Ann Mort in Haaretz - Shattering a Jewish American myth: Jerusalem is no Disneyland

Most American Jewish tour groups are shown a historical-religious theme park version of a nominally 'united' Jerusalem - in which the Arabic-speaking, Palestinian east of the city and its grievances is simply invisible.

Imagine this is your city.

Imagine that one of its neighborhoods is Shuafat, a walled-off refugee camp with 80,000 people and no legal order or adequate city services, where zealots who recognize the rule of a Supreme Being not a Supreme Court judge, take actions that are daily heightening tensions in the city and new tenants take over the top floor of a home under the veil of darkness and proclaim that they are "Judaizing" the street of an overwhelmingly Arab neighborhood, throwing out the belongings of the family who is living there and camping on the top floor with their children, and their guns.

Welcome to Jerusalem, yes, Jerusalem.

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News Nosh 11.14.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Friday November 14, 2014

Quote of the day:
"These guys, who boast that they can fool every Hamas man in Gaza, fell asleep in front of the camera."
--Yedioth's Senior political analyst Nahum Barnea explains why the Shin Bet lied and claimed it said Hamas intended to start the war last July, when the Military Intelligence Directorate said Hamas wasn't interested in a clash,** 

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