News Nosh 05.25.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday May 25, 2014

Quote of the day:
“The prosecution speaks loftily about how it protects the rights of minors, but its actions indicate that it isn’t willing to perform even the basic task of conducting an evaluation, which is mandatory in Israel.” 
--Attorney Nery Ramati, who represents many Palestinian teens, on the separate and unequal treatment between Jewish and Palestinian youth stone-throwers.**

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Join APN at the Israel Parade on Sunday, June 1 in New York City!


We will be marching with the group of progressive, pro-Israel organizations committed to Israel's core values, as laid out in its Declaration of Independence 66 years ago.  Our organizations support and advance the ideals of democracy, freedom, justice, peace and human rights and will be marching loud and proud on June 1.

Come out and make your voice heard! Don’t miss this opportunity to show the world that there is a strong and vibrant progressive voice supporting Israel. Please register at this link to receive our meeting point for the parade.


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This weekend, Pope Francis will be visiting the Middle East on a historic trip. Many people the world over have been impressed by the humility of this pope, by his loving mien, and his ethical stances. We also are encouraged by his friendship with Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Omar Abboud - leaders of the Jewish and Muslim communities in Argentina - and his determination to demonstrate the normalcy of interfaith friendship.

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News Nosh 05.22.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Thursday May 22, 2014

Note: News Nosh will not be published Friday, May 23rd, and will resume on Sunday.

Quote of the day:
"This measure puts an enormous budget in places where the nation of Israel, in its democratic way, never intended they should go."
--MK Elazar Stern (Hatnuah) blasts the immunity the World Zionist Organization’s Settlement Division has from the Freedom of Information Law, preventing the scope of the government’s investment in settlements from ever being known.**

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News Nosh 05.21.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Wednesday May 21, 2014

Quote of the day:
"The stupidest response to seeing the video of the two Palestinian boys being shot without constituting a threat to the IDF forces is to argue that in Syria more Arabs are being killed (than here) and that no one opens their mouth about that."
--Senior Maariv commentator Ben Caspit says Israel must immediately investigate the killings of the two Palestinian boys.**

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ADL's Foxman pens strong condemnation of "Price Tag"

Price_Tag_withCaption350Following the recent increase in “Price Tag” hate-crimes in Israel, including the desecration of Christian and Muslim houses of worship, we called on American friends of Israel to join APN in urging the Israeli authorities to seriously confront this ugly phenomenon.

On Sunday, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman published a powerful article in Israel’s Haaretz, headlined “Israel cannot wait any longer to crush price tag attacks.”

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News Nosh 05.20.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Tuesday May 20, 2014

Quote of the day:
"Acting like an ostrich state is not an option for us."
--Justice Minister and chief Israeli negotiator Tzipi Livni slights Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's decision to freeze peace talks.**

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Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher: May 19, 2014

This week, Alpher discusses the new "iNakba" app; last week's visit by PM Binyamin Netanyahu to Japan and of President Shimon Peres to Norway; what Israeli chief negotiator Tzipi Livni's meeting in London with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas against a backdrop of surprising progress in the Palestinian drive to form a Fateh-Hamas unity government tells us about the chances for reviving the peace process; and the level of intrigue over the Knesset electing a new president to replace Shimon Peres.

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News Nosh 05.19.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Monday May 19, 2014

Quote of the day:
"For years the Jews lived together among Christians and Muslims. We are not anti-Semitism deniers, but there were lights and shadows, and we should emphasize the lights, not just the shadows."
--Dr. Orna Katz, Education Ministry supervisor for the study of history, explains why Israeli schools will be teaching about two popes this week.**
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News Nosh 05.18.14

APN's daily news review from Israel
Sunday May 18, 2014

Quote of the day:
"We demand government action to stop these ugly acts. We will say together no to racism, no to violence, and yes to living together in peace."
--50 IDF reservists intend to make a protest tent outside the extremist Yitzhar settlement against price-tag attacks.**
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