Final Status: Jerusalem and Return

The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy (2007)
Intensive study that delves into Israeli-Palestinian negotiations over the issues of Jerusalem and refugees. Includes an examination of pertinent theories and styles of negotiations, thorough background on the issues, and guidelines for agreement between the two sides. PDF >

Some Reflections on Jerusalem

Ruth Lapidoth / Palestine-Israel Journal (2007)
Competing claims to Jerusalem, as well as the four main components of the "Jerusalem problem"- as it pertains to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its potential resolution- are identified and analyzed. Read More >

One Violation Leads to Another: Israeli Settlement Building on Private Palestinian Property

Peace Now (October 2006)
Thorough report on the legal status of the land on which Israeli settlements have been constructed in the West Bank since 1967. Demonstrates that the property rights of many Palestinians have been systematically violated in the course of settlement building.  PDF >

Gershom Gorenberg on Christian Zionism

Fresh Air (2006)
Gorenberg, an Israeli author and journalist, explains the beliefs and motives behind the Christian Zionist movement. He delves into their views on Judaism and Israel, and how Christian Zionists are viewed by right-wing Israelis who share their agenda. (11:30) Listen >

Pastor John Hagee on Christian Zionism

Fresh Air (2006)
John Hagee is the founder of the Christian Zionist group, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). He is the senior pastor of Cornerstone Church an evangelical church in San Antonio, Texas. Hagee discusses his beliefs regarding Israel, biblical prophesy, and the work of CUFI. (25:46) Listen >

The Forgotten War

Jeffrey Goldberg / The New Yorker (September 2006)
Feature on Hamas written in the wake of the 2006 war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. It discusses the challenges facing the group, the evolution of its approach toward Israel, and compares Hamas to other Islamist groups that practice terrorism. Read More >

An Explosive Situation in Silwan

Yehudit Oppenheimer / Palestine-Israel Journal (September 2006)
Ir Amim's executive director describes how the government's complicity in right-wing settler activity in Silwan creates immense obstacles to a peaceful resolution on Jerusalem. Read More >

Opinions of Settlers

Jewish Virtual Library (2003 - 2006)
A collection of polls of Israeli settlers. Topics include reaction to a potential government decision to evacuate settlements, support for violating the law in protest, and perceptions of Palestinians. Read More >

Israel, The Accidental Empire

Fresh Air (March 2006)
Author Gershom Gorenberg is interviewed about The Accidental Empire, his book recounting the birth of the Israeli settlement enterprise. (39:01) Listen >

NEW - Peace Now West Bank and Jerusalem Map (2008)

Unique map produced by Peace Now's Settlement Watch Project

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